Italian Government - Presidency of the Council of Ministers

06/25/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 06/26/2024 04:47

Palazzo Chigi marks International Day against Drugs

'Nessuno si salva da solo' ['No one can save themselves alone'], 'Rinascere si può' ['It's possible to start over'], 'Per la vita contro la droga' ['For life without drugs']: these were some of the phrases projected onto Palazzo Chigi's main façade during the ceremony held in Piazza Colonna this evening, organised by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to mark tomorrow's International Day against Drugs.

The event featured first-hand accounts by a number of young people from rehabilitation communities, parents, support workers and Don Antonio Coluccia, and was brought to a close with a speech by Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Alfredo Mantovano, delegated authority for drug policies.