NYLPI - New York Lawyers for the Public Interest Inc.

09/13/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Director of Disability Justice Ruth Lowenkron to Speak at the 42nd Annual Alliance for Rights and Recovery Conference in Callicoon, NY

Director of Disability Justice Ruth Lowenkron to Speak at the 42nd Annual Alliance for Rights and Recovery Conference in Callicoon, NY

September 13, 2024

CCIT-NYC, Daniel's Law, Disability Justice, News, Transforming Mental Health Crisis Response, de la Cruz vs. NYC

NYLPI Director of Disability Justice Ruth Lowenkronwill be speaking on a panel at the 42nd Annual Alliance for Rights and Recovery Conference on September 26, titled "Compassionate Crisis Care: Person Centered Approaches to Improve Crisis Response":

"This workshop will explore transformative changes needed in crisis response to better support individuals experiencing mental health and substance use crises. The presenters will discuss the integration of peer support specialists into mental health first responder teams, emphasizing the value of lived experience in providing compassionate care. Participants will also learn about the application of first aid techniques for emotional trauma, strategies to transform the way local emergency services respond to crises, and the development of non-clinical, community-based responses. This session is designed for advocates, first responders, and mental health professionals who are committed to creating more humane and effective crisis response systems."

Find full details and registration info here.

Photo: NYLPI Peers Not Police Rally at City Hall. Join CCIT-NYC's next rally on September 23.