Delegation of the European Union to Japan

07/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/16/2024 14:39

EU Statement – UN General Assembly: Modalities of the World Social Summit

16 July 2024, New York - General statement delivered by Hungary on behalf of the European Union and its Member States at the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly on Agenda item 24(b): Modalities of the "World Social Summit", under the title "the Second World Summit for Social Development" (A/78/L.93)

(Madam/Mr.) Chair,

I have the honour to speak on behalf of the European Union and its Member States.

The Candidate Countries Montenegro*, Albania*, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina*and Georgia as well as Andorra and San Marino align themselves with this statement.

First, let me thank, the Co-facilitators H.E. Mr. Philippe Kridelka, PR of Belgium, H.E. Mr. Omar Hilale, PR of Morocco, for leading the work on this resolution in a very efficient and transparent manner, all Delegations for their constructive approach and valuable contributions to the negotiations, as well as the Secretariat for its support throughout.

We are pleased to join consensus today. We are looking forward to actively participating in the 2025 World Social Summit, together with all delegations, UN system, and a broad representation of civil society and social partners, including workers' and employers' organizations, youth representatives, persons with disabilities, Indigenous Peoples and many other relevant stakeholders.

We welcome that the resolution clearly stresses the strong interdependence between social development and social justice on the one hand, and peace and security and all human rights and fundamental freedoms - on the other.

Rebuilding the social contract through a comprehensive approach based on human rights, fundamental freedoms and labour standards is key to build trust, social cohesion and solidarity.

We are particularly pleased to be recognizing the role and positive contributions of the International Labour Organization and its constituents, namely Governments, employers and workers, to promote social justice and decent work for all. Therefore, it is crucial to coordinate the World Social Summit preparations with ILO and its tripartite structure. In this context, we are glad to be invitingthe United Nations specialized agencies to participate in the Summit at the Head of State or the highest possible level and to contribute to the preparation of the Summit.

We remain committed to engage constructively and in the spirit of cooperation in the upcoming negotiations on the political declaration in view of reaching consensus ahead of the Summit.

Thank you.