Tom McClintock

12/02/2022 | News release | Distributed by Public on 12/02/2022 13:06

Recognizing General Bud Anderson

Washington, D.C. - Congressman McClintock delivered the following remarks on the House floor honoring General Bud Anderson.

M. Speaker:

Whether in 60 seconds or 60 hours, it's impossible to do justice to the heroism, patriotism and service that defines the life of Colonel Bud Anderson. He flew 116 fighter combat missions over Europe in World War II, shot down more than 16 enemy aircraft, was decorated 25 times including two Legions of Merit; Five Distinguished Flying Crosses; The Bronze Star; 16 air medals; the French Legion of Honor; and the French Croix De Guerre. Chuck Yeager called him "a mongoose - the best fighter pilot I ever saw."

After distinguished service in Korea and Vietnam, he managed McDonnell-Douglas' legendary flight facility at Edwards Air Force Base.

He is still going strong at the age of 100 and today I'm pleased to announce, at the request of Congressman LaMalfa and myself, that the Air Force has just promoted him to the rank of brigadier-general effective December 14th. God bless you, General Anderson. And congratulations and thank you on a behalf of a grateful nation.