DCCC - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

07/02/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/02/2024 10:50

REMINDER: Marc Molinaro Press Conference on the Border Underscores His Blatant Failure

Today, vulnerable New York Republican Marc Molinaro is holding a press conference in a weak attempt to rewrite his own record of playing politics with the border.

Molinaro has repeatedly proven himself to be another rank-and-file Washington politician who will continue to put the desires of his Republican Party over protecting and serving Upstate New York families.

Just last week, Democratic nominee for New York's 19th District Josh Riley held a press conference to urge leaders in Congress to get serious about addressing immigration reform - specifically calling out Molinaro's refusal to work across party lines on a bipartisan border deal and consequently jeopardizing the safety of communities across Upstate New York.

Last year, Molinaro voted with his party bosses for an extreme plan that could cut thousands of Border Patrol agents and weaken border security. Then he rejected a bipartisan agreement to secure the border that was backed by the Border Patrol and would end catch and release - in service to Donald Trump.

DCCC Spokesperson Ellie Dougherty:
"Marc Molinaro's hypocrisy knows no bounds and no amount of reactive damage control can change that. Instead of actually addressing critical issues Upstate New Yorkers are facing, Molinaro is desperately trying to deceive voters about his history of caving to his Republican Party bosses to play politics with the border."