Delegation of the European Union to Albania

09/10/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/10/2024 07:31

EU Statement at IAEA Board of Governors on Strengthening the Agency’s activities related to nuclear science, technology and applications, as delivered on 10 September 2024


EU Statement at IAEA Board of Governors on Strengthening the Agency's activities related to nuclear science, technology and applications, as delivered on 10 September 2024


I have the honour to speak on behalf of the European Union. The candidate countries North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina[1]and Georgia, the EFTA countries Iceland and Norway, members of the European Economic Area, as well as Armenia and San Marino, align themselves with this statement.

The European Union would like to thank the Director General for his report on "Strengthening the Agency's Activities Related to Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications".These activities underpin the inalienable right of all States Parties to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination, and in accordance with Article IV of the NPT.

The Agency's work assists Member States and fosters international cooperation in further developing the application of radiation and nuclear technologies that significantly contribute to peace, health and prosperity around the world. Nuclear technologies can also be of great help to fight global warming, mitigate its consequences and monitor its impact. The EU remains committed to ensuring the responsible, safe and secure development of peaceful uses of nuclear energy. We encourage all States to join the international nuclear safety and security conventions.


The EU commends the Agency's important role in assisting Member States to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals through nuclear science, technology and applications under the highest possible safety, security, and non-proliferation conditions.

We welcome the IAEA activities that help improve human health, agriculture, food security and water resources management; combat environmental and water pollution; and preserve cultural and natural heritage. The upcoming Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications and the Technical Cooperation Programme will highlight the relevance and impact of nuclear technologies on our societies and provide an opportunity to raise further awareness of these issues.

We appreciate the Agency's flagship initiatives including Rays of Hope, ZODIAC and NUTEC Plastics and encourage continued efforts to ensure coordination with other relevant initiatives. We also welcome the launch of the joint Atoms4Food initiative and the finalization of its roadmap as well as the newly-established "Group of Friends of Food Security".

We equally appreciate the Agency's work related to the applications of accelerators and research reactors in environmental studies and cultural heritage characterisation.

We applaud the completion of major fundraising for the Renovation of the Nuclear Application Laboratories (ReNuAL) 2 and appreciate the Secretariat's innovative resource mobilisation strategy, reaching out to non-traditional donors. We call on all Member States in a position to do so to contribute to the project and on the Secretariat to keep Member States informed of the remaining elements and their funding requirements.


The EU acknowledges the need to ensure energy security at affordable cost and respects the right of Member States to decide on their energy mix and choose the most appropriate technologies to collectively achieve the Paris Climate Agreement.

We support the Agency's commitment to contribute to tackling climate change and the IAEA's activities to enhance knowledge of mitigation strategies, including its participation in the Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP).

As its largest donor and strong supporter of gender equality and gender mainstreaming, the EU commends the success of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme and the Lise Meitner Programme.

Recalling the European Industrial Alliance on Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) launched in February 2024, we attach importance to the Agency-wide platform on Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and their applications. We also encourage further coordination between the SMR platform and Nuclear Harmonisation and Standardisation Initiative (NHSI), and look forward to the Secretariat's report on the strategic vision, programmatic objectives and expected outcomes of the NHSI activities beyond 2024 at the plenary meeting in October.

The EU appreciates the support provided by the Agency for the safe and secure operation of nuclear power plants and research reactors, including for long-term operation, fuel cycle, spent fuel and radioactive waste management. We commend the IAEA's support to Member States embarking on or expanding existing nuclear science, technology and application' programmes.

We also appreciate the attention given to nuclear knowledge management and the collaboration with European and international actors in this area. We welcome the connection made between knowledge management and human resource development. This was reflected during the IAEA International Conference organized on those two topics in July 2024.

Looking at the future, we welcome the IAEA's activities related to nuclear fusion and appreciate the Agency's cooperation with ITER, DEMO and DONES projects. We take positive note of the announcement of the inaugural ministerial meeting of the World Fusion Energy Group (WFEG) to be held in November in Rome, and ask the Secretariat to keep Member States informed of its organization.

With these comments, Chair, we support the recommended Board action set forth in GOV/2024/34-GC(68)/10 and its Annexes.

Thank you, Chair.

[1]North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.