Pro Mujer Inc.

07/18/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/18/2024 21:47

Discover the Impact of Tod@s por Ellas, Pro Mujer’s Comprehensive Program for Breast Cancer Care

Discover the Impact of Tod@s por Ellas, Pro Mujer's Comprehensive Program for Breast Cancer Care

"Well, to begin with, I never thought I would get cancer. I went to get a mammogram and something was wrong; they had to do a biopsy. It was breast cancer." For Lucy Escobedo, cancer was a surprise and a very difficult one. No one in her family had ever had it before, and she had to learn from her own experience that this disease can happen to anyone.

Breast cancer is the most common among women in the region, with 462,000 cases diagnosed each year, and it is also recorded as the most critical cause of cancer death, with a mortality rate of 16 per 100,000 women(PAHO). In Mexico, for example, a new case is diagnosed every nine minutes, and every two hours a woman dies from this disease. In marginalized areas, nearly 50% of cases are detected at advanced stages, compared to 10% in higher-income areas (IDB).

In addition to the harsh reality of living with cancer, women face obstacles that complicate the experience of seeking and adhering to health services. There are emotional, access, economic, and cultural barriers, and for this reason, Pro Mujer created 'Tod@s por Ellas' in 2020, a breast cancer awareness and support program that provides gender-focused, person-centered, accessible, and high-quality care to foster women's empowerment.

Today, four years later, the program has ended after raising awareness among more than 26,000 people through the chatbot in Mexico and Latin America, reaching over 140,000 people through various digital educational resources, and performing more than 8,000 free mammograms.

In collaboration with Avon and Pfizer, the main allies of the program, Pro Mujer implemented strategies such as educational chatbots, mammogram events, emotional support, training for healthcare professionals, holistic support through technological tools, and an oncology guide with high-value information for diagnosed patients, among others. The goal was to reduce the obstacles that prevent women from accessing detection and treatment for this disease and to address the fear, confusion, and economic barriers surrounding it.

And this is precisely what Lucy appreciated most about her experience. "During this difficult journey, a young woman from Pro Mujer contacted me, and to this day, I still receive psychological support from her. I am very grateful because I feel supported and worry less. Today, I know there is much life ahead after a cancer diagnosis," she says.

What was the impact of the program on the participating women?

To determine the impact of Tod@s por Ellas on women who received support from one of its most important pillars, guidance, and awareness through the chatbot, a study was conducted with a group of women from Mexico, Argentina, Nicaragua, and Bolivia.

The study concluded that the entire group can be defined as 'awareness campaign ambassadors,' and that 64% of the women are very likely to talk to others about what they learned about breast cancer, a figure that increased by 30 percentage points from what was expressed at the beginning of the program.

Furthermore, one of the main findings is that the participating women have a higher frequency of mammograms and are much more aware of this procedure. If before Pro Mujer's awareness campaign 45.5% did not know the risk and protective factors associated with breast cancer, after the campaign, the number dropped to 9%.

In general terms, the analysis highlights the program's ability to raise women's awareness of what changes to look for in their breasts, how daily actions affect their health, and the risk factors that make them vulnerable to breast cancer (such as high alcohol consumption, the use of hormonal contraceptives, physical inactivity, etc.).

"I urge you to get your mammogram, your Pap smear, and take good care of your health. We only have one life, and we must enjoy it to the fullest. Many thanks to Pro Mujer."

Lucy Escobedo, participant of Tod@s Por Ellas.

Getting women to take an active role in their health and well-being, and increasing their confidence to know their bodies and seek timely medical care, is one of the program's main achievements at its conclusion in 2024; and it confirms that by working together, we can create a future where this disease is preventable and treatable for all women.

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