Pro Mujer Inc.

18/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 19/07/2024 03:47

Strengthening medical care to boost sexual and reproductive rights of women in Hidalgo

Strengthening medical care to boost sexual and reproductive rights of women in Hidalgo

Despite significant advances in the reduction and prevention of maternal mortality in Mexico, in the first half of 2024, 259 maternal deathswere recorded, representing an increase of 4 deaths compared to the same period in 2023 (DGE).

Most of these deaths occur due to complications during or after pregnancy or childbirth and could have been prevented with the proper knowledge and medical care. Additionally, stigmas persist in the field of health that do not adequately recognize the impact of gender-based violence on maternal mortality in the Mexican context.

In the face of this reality, Pro Mujer, through its "Sana y Segura: My sexual and reproductive health"project, aims to raise awareness among healthcare providers about human rights, gender perspective, and recognition of the impact of gender-based violence to reduce maternal mortality rates in the states of Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Hidalgo.

To date, Pro Mujer has trained more than 550 healthcare providersin Hidalgo, from the Technological University of Tulancingo, the Maternal and Children's Hospital, and the Medical Assistance Unit for Vulnerable Groups in Pachuca. Within the framework of the program, 260 additional health providers will be trained in the municipality of Ixmiquilpan.

Since its inception in September 2023, the Sana y Segura project has boosted women's sexual and reproductive rights through community outreach, innovative digital tools, and health personnel training. Our sexual and reproductive health chatbothas reached more than 1,500 women in Latin America, providing them with information on family planning, pregnancy care, and gender-based violence.

On July 5th, Pro Mujer organized a health event in El Arenal where 31 womenreceived general health check-ups and 11received free subdermal implants. During the event, educational talks were given to 79 female and 81 male third-grade studentsfrom the "Ramón M. Rosales" General High School on the importance of health care from an early age.

Furthermore, with the aim of expanding the project's impact towards rural communities in Chiapas and Oaxaca, we trained more than 30 people from the Trickle Up organization and continued to strengthen local organizations for the promotion of sexual and reproductive health in their communities.

Pro Mujer remains committed to creating a safer and more equitable environment for women in Mexico. The goal of the program is to train 2,000 healthcare providers in Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Hidalgo throughout 2024, ensuring that more women have access to health services that respect their rights and needs.

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