Fathom Holdings Inc.

09/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/17/2024 08:39

Revenue Share 101: Unlocking Extra Income for Real Estate Agents

Are you a real estate agent looking for an exciting way to boost your income while empowering others in the industry? If so, the Revenue Share model might be just what you need!

What is Revenue Share?

Revenue Share is a simple yet powerful way for real estate agents to increase their earnings by building a network of recruits. Here's how it works:

1. Sponsorship and Earnings: When you sponsor or recruit another agent to your brokerage, you earn a portion of the commission income from their transactions. These agents form your first line, or "Level 1."

2. Expanding Your Network: But it doesn't stop there! As your recruited agents (Level 1) go on to sponsor their own agents, you continue to earn a share of the revenue from these new recruits, who become your Level 2, and so on. This creates a growing network of agents, all contributing to your potential income.

3. Unlock Additional Levels: You can unlock additional revenue share levels by continually recruiting new agents to your first line and encouraging them to do the same. The more your network grows, the greater your earning potential becomes!

Why Choose Revenue Share?

The Revenue Share model doesn't just provide an extra income stream-it fosters a collaborative and supportive environment where agents help each other succeed. It's a win-win situation: you earn more while contributing to the success of others in the real estate field.

With Fathom Realty's Revenue Share plan, you have the opportunity to:

  • Earn from recruits you sponsor at up to 5 different levels.
  • Automatically unlock Levels 1 and 2, allowing you to earn shared revenue immediately.
  • Earn revenue share from sponsored agents, regardless of the commission plan they select.
  • Flexibly switch between commission plans to align with your evolving business goals.

Ready to Maximize Your Earnings?

Not all real estate agents have the same opportunities, but with Fathom's unique commission plans, you can tap into the full potential of the Revenue Share model. Explore how Fathom's industry-leading compensation plans can help you grow your income and build a thriving network of professionals. Take control of your financial future today-start building your Revenue Share network with Fathom and watch your success multiply.

If you're ready to discover how Revenue Share can revolutionize your real estate career, contact Fathom today to learn more about our commission plans and how you can start earning immediately!