07/06/2024 | Press release | Archived content

E.ON employees on crisis duty: Most households in flooded areas are supplied again


  • Most of the households affected by the floods in the areas covered by the Bayernwerk, LEW and Süwag energy network companies are supplied with electricity again
  • Hundreds of E.ON employees are still working around the clock - repair work is in full swing
  • Cooperation across the grid areas for rapid crisis management

Flooding and power outages have occurred in southern Germany as a result of severe storms and heavy rain. According to estimates, up to 27,000 households in the Bayernwerk, LEW and Süwag grid areas were temporarily cut off from the power supply.

In the Bayernwerk grid area, up to 180 local medium-voltage substations were temporarily without power and one substation was flooded. The district of Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm in Bavaria was particularly badly affected. At LEW Verteilnetz (LVN), around 160 local grid stations were simultaneously disconnected from the grid at peak times.There were interruptions to the power supply at LVN in flooded towns along the Danube and its tributaries. In the grid area of the Süwag subsidiary Syna, the Rems-Murr district was most severely affected by the flooding.

Hundreds of E.ON employees from various E.ON companies were deployed in these network areas to restore power to all households as quickly as possible. Almost all households are now supplied with electricity again - with the exception of individual areas where the water has not yet drained or industrial customers. Hydroelectric power plants have also been put back into operation.

Thomas König, the E.ON board member responsible for energy networks, says: "The employees of our regional companies Bayernwerk, LEW and Süwag have been working tirelessly for days to help those affected. The mutual support of our units is outstanding. We are doing everything we can to restore the infrastructure as quickly as possible and to supply the people in the flooded areas again. It is impressive to see what is possible through rapid and unbureaucratic cooperation in the region. My thanks go to everyone involved on the ground."

The repair work is already in full swing. For example, following the cleaning and draining of all system components, the commissioning of the substation in Reichertshofen in Upper Bavaria is now underway. In the coming hours and days, the missing connections will be reconnected to the grid after cleaning and testing. In addition, employees from the E.ON Group are restoring access routes and carrying out repairs to the systems.

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