Agencia Tributaria

07/01/2023 | Press release | Archived content

3,750 kilos of hashish seized in Huelva in two operations against drug trafficking carried out in the space of eight days.


3,750 kilos of hashish seized in Huelva in two operations against drug trafficking carried out in the space of eight days.

Tax Agency, National Police and Guardia Civil operation

  • A pleasure boat and a vehicle that had been stolen in the province of Badajoz and had bent number plates have been seized.
  • The actions are the result of coordinated surveillance by the three forces within the framework of the intensification of the fight against drug trafficking on the Huelva coast.

1 July 2023.- Customs Surveillance of the Tax Agency, the National Police and the Civil Guard have seized 3,750 kilos of hashish in Huelva in two operations carried out in an interval of eight days.The actions carried out are the result of coordinated surveillance by the three forces deployed as part of the intensification of the fight against drug trafficking along the Huelva coast.

The first of the operations began on the night of 1 June, when investigators from the three forces, during a joint surveillance operation, detected a van visibly overloaded in the rear and proceeded to stop it.

The driver of the vehicle ignored the officers' instructions and a chase began through the marshlands of Isla Canela, until the pursued vehicle was unable to continue due to the harassment of the police vehicles.The driver then abandoned the pursued van and fled.

After an initial inspection of the van, a total of 78 bales of burlap and raffia commonly used for transporting hashish resin, weighing approximately 2,700 kilos, were found inside.In addition, it was found that the van was carrying bent number plates and that it was a vehicle stolen in the province of Badajoz.

Both the drugs and the effects seized have been placed at the disposal of the Court of First Instance and Preliminary Investigation number 1 of Ayamonte, on duty.

One-tonne haul foiled

The second operation began on the night of 9 June, when the Integrated External Surveillance System (SIVE) detected a semi-rigid vessel, known as a 'narcolancha', south of Punta Umbría.A ground operation was immediately set up, made up of agents from the three corps, due to suspicions that a drug trafficking operation might be taking place.

Minutes later, the officers detected a recreational boat, about six metres in length, leaving the Punta Umbría estuary heading south.This vessel was subsequently docked to the 'narcolancha', at which point the transfer of packages from the RIB to the pleasure boat took place.

Once the transfer of packages had been completed, the recreational boat headed north to re-enter the Punta Umbría estuary, and the investigators began a discreet land tracking operation.The boat finally stopped in the area of the Astur salt flats.Once on the ground, the investigators proceeded to intervene by land, surprising the suspects, who fled.

Inside the seized vessel were 30 bales of burlap and raffia commonly used for transporting hashish resin, weighing approximately 1,050 kilos.

Both the boat and the seized narcotic substance were taken to the port of Huelva.The drugs and the effects seized have been placed at the disposal of the Huelva Court of First Instance and Preliminary Investigation number 5, with the knowledge of the Huelva Special Anti-Drugs Prosecutor's Office.

Both investigations are still underway by the Customs Surveillance, the National Police and the Guardia Civil, and arrests are not ruled out.

These interventions are the result of the intensification of the fight against smuggling and drug trafficking carried out by Customs Surveillance, National Police and Civil Guard officers along the Huelva coast.

Film of the operation (go to the following website to download the video):