Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Mexican States

06/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/09/2024 20:28

Governments of Mexico and People's Republic of China hold Second Meeting of the Working Group on Precursor Chemicals

Governments of Mexico and People's Republic of China hold Second Meeting of the Working Group on Precursor Chemicals

Press Release 341

Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores | September 06, 2024 | Press Release

  • The governments of Mexico and the People's Republic of China held the Second Meeting of the Working Group on Precursor Chemicals in Mexico City.
  • At the meeting, the Rules of Operation of the Working Group were adopted.
  • The meeting took place within the framework of a Chinese delegation's visit to Mexico, which included working visits to the Port of Veracruz, the Felipe Angeles International Airport (AIFA), and a meeting at the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC) of the Federal Attorney General's Office (FGR).

The Second Meeting of the Mexico-China Working Group on Precursor Chemicals was held today. Its objective was to further advance bilateral cooperation efforts for the control and detection of precursor chemicals and other substances used in the illicit manufacture of fentanyl and synthetic drugs.

During the meeting, both countries approved the Rules of Operation of the Working Group, defining the areas of collaboration to prevent and combat illegal drug manufacturing activities, as well as the diversion of precursor chemicals into illegal channels.

The Chinese delegation was led by the National Narcotics Control Commission and included representatives from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Commerce, the General Bureau of Customs, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau and the Public Security Department of Shandong Province. The Mexican delegation was headed by the Ministry of the Navy (SEMAR) and included officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), the Ministry of the National Defense (SEDENA), the Attorney General's Office (FGR), the Mexican National Customs Agency (ANAM) and the Federal Commission for Protection Against Health Risks (COFEPRIS).

This meeting took place during the visit of a delegation from the People's Republic of China to Mexico from September 2 to September 6 and in reciprocity to the visit of a Mexican delegation to China in October 2023. The purpose of this meeting was to give continuity to the dialogue and understandings made between both nations to address the illicit trafficking of precursor chemicals and other substances.

The program for the Chinese delegation included visits to the Port of Veracruz on September 3, and to the Felipe Angeles International Airport (AIFA) on September 5. The aim was to learn about the security and surveillance measures in Mexican ports and airport areas, as well as the control and inspection procedures for precursor chemicals and other substances entering the country, to prevent their diversion to illicit uses.

On September 6, the Chinese delegation held a working meeting at the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC) of the Attorney General's Office (FGR) to explore areas of bilateral cooperation in the investigation of transnational organized crime.

The visit of the Chinese delegation to our country developed in an environment of respect of the national sovereignty of both countries, parity and mutual benefit. The conviction of both nations to continue strengthening their cooperation within their respective jurisdictions to combat illicit drug trafficking was also a key component of the discussion.