California State University, Bakersfield

09/12/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/12/2024 11:15

CSUB alumnus hired as federal prosecutor

Naveiras believes he has the tools to meet those challenges in part due to his experience at CSUB. The university had a major impact on his life, even before ever stepping foot on campus. He grew up hearing about CSUB from his mother, who had attended the university. Naveiras also has a sibling who also went to CSUB.

"My mom talked about her time fondly there. I always knew it was always an option for me," he said.

CSUB was also the place where Naveiras met his future wife, a fellow alumnus. He was a political science tutor at the time while she was working as a student assistant for the School of Social Sciences and Education.

"I love Cal State Bakersfield. I had nothing but wonderful experiences while I was there," he said.

Naveiras was initially a philosophy major when he first came to CSUB, but later switched to political science. Toward the end of his five years at the university, he had enough credits to get degrees in both subjects.

Philosophy and political science are both pathways students can take in the Pre-Law Program, which helps prepare students for a legal career and provides internship opportunities, mentoring, campus activities and other services.

In addition to being part of the program, Naveiras was also a member of program's club, the Pre-Law Society. He credits both experiences to the success he's had in his law career.

"I don't think I'd be where I'm at now without (the Pre-Law Program)," Naveiras said. "The best thing was the connections you make that are maintained throughout your career. I met a lot of people at CSUB who are still in my life."

One of those people is Dr. Jeanine Kraybill, director of the program. They have both stayed in touch since his graduation.

"Pedro's been wonderful since I met him," she said. "I had him in a few of my classes, and he was incredibly passionate and such a team leader."

Naveiras has wanted to stay involved with the university since graduating from CSUB and often comes a few times a year to speak to pre-law students about their career goals.

"There were alumni who came to my classes when I was in the Pre-Law Program, and I really want to be that kind of person myself as a professional. I want to give back," he said.

Naveiras said he's enjoyed getting to chat with students, some of whom ended up becoming professional colleagues.

"It's been very rewarding to go back and talk to the students and hear what they want to do," he said. "I want to see more people from CSUB do what I've done or do what they want to do within the legal profession and beyond. It's great to have home-grown lawyers."