Delegation of the European Union to Syria

07/30/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/30/2024 01:00

Bangladesh: Statement by the High Representative on recent developments

In the margins of the ASEAN Regional Forum Ministerial Meeting in Laos on 27 July, I conveyed to the representative of Bangladesh and former Foreign Minister, Dr. A.K. Abdul Momen, MP, my grave concern at the announcement of a "shoot on sight policy" and unlawful killings perpetrated in recent days by the authorities in Bangladesh.

I am also deeply concerned by the killings of law enforcement officers, violence, torture, mass arrests and damage to property that have taken place.

These acts must be thoroughly investigated and those responsible brought to justice. There must be full accountability for the numerous instances of use of excessive and lethal force by the law enforcement authorities against protesters and others, including journalists and young children. The thousands arrested must receive due process.

We will follow closely the actions of the authorities in the context of this crisis and, with the fundamentals of EU-Bangladesh relations in mind, expect all human rights to be fully respected.