Orange County, NY

06/28/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/28/2024 07:10

Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus Teams Up with Health Department to Help Residents Prevent Lyme

Goshen, N.Y. - With the arrival of the summer season and increased outside activities, the Orange County Department of Health (OCDOH) urges residents to protect themselves and their families from ticks and mosquitoes. These simple preventive measures are important to avoid serious illnesses like Lyme disease and West Nile virus.

"Orange County offers many great outdoor events and activities," stated County Executive Steve Neuhaus, "and as summer moves into full swing, we must take precautions against mosquitoes and ticks to protect ourselves and our families. By following these simple steps, you can enjoy the beauty of being outdoors safely."

Ticks, particularly black-legged (deer) ticks, are common throughout New York and can carry the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, which is the most reported tick-borne illness in both Orange County and New York State.

Mosquito bites can also result in infections like West Nile virus, posing serious health risks. In 2023, there were 10 times that OCDOH found mosquitos carrying West Nile virus through OCDOH's water testing program. However, there has not been a person diagnosed with West Nile Virus in Orange County since 2014.

"I, along with Commissioner of OCDOH, Dr. Alicia Pointer, want to ensure that all residents are informed on the ways to prevent being bitten by ticks and mosquitoes, as well as what to look for if you have been bitten," Neuhaus said. "As a team, we will continue to do all we can to keep the residents of Orange County free of these diseases."

For a safe and healthy summer, the OCDOH recommends the following when hiking, working, or spending time outdoors:

Wear protective clothing: When possible, wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts.

Use insect repellents: Look for the ones containing DEET, Picaridin, or IR3535. Follow the label carefully for safe use.

Tie back long hair

Regular tick checks: Perform a full body check multiple times throughout the day and at the end of the day. If ticks are removed quickly, they're less likely to spread infection. Check animals for ticks after they've been outside.

Clothing care: After returning indoors, dry clothes on high heat for at least 10 minutes to kill any ticks on dry clothing. If the clothes are damp, additional drying time may be needed.

Shower after outdoor activities: Showering soon after coming indoors can help wash off unattached ticks and provide a good opportunity for a thorough tick check.

Mosquito control: Use screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out. Regularly empty, turn over, and scrub outdoor items that can hold water, such as buckets, planters, children's toys, pools, and birdbaths, at least once a week to prevent mosquito breeding.

During the summer months, the Health Department treats thousands of storm drains to stop mosquitoes from breeding. The Department also partners with SUNY Orange to monitor mosquito populations by weekly trapping in specific locations across the County. This testing helps OCDOH educate our community and stay informed about risks.

For more information on tick and mosquito bite prevention, please visit the Orange County Department of Health website at or contact us at (845) 291-2332.

For more information, contact Rebecca Sheehan, Assistant to County Executive, Director of Public Information and Media Relations at 845.291.2700 or [email protected].

To learn more about what County Executive Neuhaus is doing for Orange County, follow Orange County Government and Steven M. Neuhaus on Facebook, @Orange County Govt and @steve.neuhaus on Instagram, and @OCGovNY and @SNeuhausOC on X. You can also watch Neuhaus' NeuCast podcasts and Leadership Speaker Series.
