Delegation of the European Union to Russia

07/04/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/04/2024 06:40

OSCE Permanent Council No. 1480 Vienna, 4 July 2024

  1. The European Union would like to warmly welcome Ms Catherine Fearon to the Permanent Council and thank her for her report on the activities of the Conflict Prevention Centre.
  2. It is deeply regrettable that the security situation in the OSCE has deteriorated significantly in recent years and we condemn the Russian Federation's illegal, unprovoked and unjustifiable war of aggression against Ukraine. The Ministerial Council Decision No. 3/11 on the Conflict Cycle, along with the instruments in the OSCE conflict prevention and conflict management toolbox, are of key relevance and must be better and more actively used. We recognise and appreciate the important role of the CPC in this context and appreciate the efforts by the CPC in developing the OSCE Toolbox Application, which makes the OSCE tools easier to use and access.
  3. We welcome that the Support Programme for Ukraine, to which the EU and many Member States contribute significantly, provides highly valuable assistance in all three dimensions, enabling the OSCE to continue its long-standing engagement in Ukraine.
  4. We reiterate our commitment to the full implementation of existing principles and commitments in the politico-military dimension. We continue to deplore the disregard for the provisions of the Vienna Document by both Russia and Belarus. This risks limiting the organisation's valued role in arms control and undermining transparency and predictability. Our organisation and its instruments can only be as effective as the participating States collectively allow them to be.
  5. We underline the importance of strong and flexible field mission mandates and ensuring that field missions are provided with the necessary financial resources to recruit and retain sufficient qualified staff to fulfil their mandates. Field missions' work with host countries, civil society and other stakeholders is crucial in addressing tensions and contributing to conflict prevention, mediation and peacebuilding. At the same time, and in accordance with its mandate, we welcome the CPC's active engagement across the OSCE area, regardless of the presence of field operations.
  6. We welcome that the CPC has continued to provide key support to the two flagship projects in Central Asia, the OSCE Academy in Bishkek and the Border Management Staff College, as well as to a large-scale project that aims to stabilise the region on Tajikistan's southern border with Afghanistan. The EU welcomes and supports the peaceful settlement of border issues in the region, and progress in regional cooperation on cross-border water management. In this regard, we also appreciate CPC's continued efforts in co-ordinating the 'Response to the Implications of Afghanistan for the OSCE Region' (RIAOR) Repository Programme.
  7. The peaceful resolution of all unresolved conflicts in the OSCE region, including those in the Republic of Moldova and in Georgia with full respect for their territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence within their internationally recognised borders, remains a key priority for the EU. The EU also continues its support for advancing a sustainable and lasting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan based on the principles of recognition of sovereignty, the inviolability of borders and territorial integrity.
  8. We support and encourage the CPC´s continued engagement and assistance in this regard.We appreciate the operational and capacity building support provided by the CPC's Mediation SupportTeam to the formats dealing with crises and conflicts in the OSCE area. We particularly value the CPC's support to the OSCE Mission to Moldova, the Special Representatives of the Chair, and its contribution to the work of the GID, regarding the protracted conflict in Georgia.
  9. We applaud the CPC's efforts to increase crisis preparedness by promoting and fostering technological innovation across the organisation. In this vein, we welcome the OSCE Geographic Information System (OGIS) pilot project, which was launched in March 2024 and aims to enhance situational awareness, and early warning capabilities. We agree with your assessment that the OSCE could further explore the use of emerging technologies to process greater volumes of information, which would enhance the OSCE's analytical capacity.
  10. We support the activities related to Small Arms and Light Weapons and welcome the continuous implementation of assistance projects to reduce SALW proliferation and SCA risks using a regional approach across the OSCE region as well as the assistance provided to the Forum for Security Co-operation.
  11. We appreciate that you have continued to integrate cross-cutting issues into your work, including by gender-mainstreaming the conflict analysis tools in your early warning work, dialogue facilitation and mediation-support efforts. We also welcome your strengthened cooperation with the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA) on climate-related security risks from a conflict cycle perspective.
  12. In your report, you mention that due to the financial situation, you have reached the limit of doing "the same with less". Let us underscore that the CPC must be provided through the Unified Budget with the resources necessary to carry out its mandate effectively and efficiently, as we have a shared political and financial responsibility for collective security and the OSCE's comprehensive conflict cycle toolbox.
  13. We condemn the actions of the Russian Federation, which continues to arbitrarily detain three OSCE officials and has misappropriated OSCE assets. We reiterate our call for their immediate and unconditional release.
  14. In conclusion, we would like to thank the CPC staff and the Director for their valuable work. We continue to fully support the CPC and wish you, Ms Fearon, and your dedicated staff every success in your future activities.