Government of the Republic of Fiji

06/21/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/20/2024 20:07


Bula Vinaka, Namaste and a very good morning to you all.

It is an honor to stand before you today as we gather to celebrate the International Day of Yoga, recognized by the United Nations in 2014 and now celebrated all over the world annually, on the initiative of the Government of the Republic of India.

Today, as we come together at Albert Park, we join the global community in recognizing the significance of yoga.

The theme for this year's celebration is "Yoga for Self and Society".

I was intrigued to learn that the Sanskrit noun "yoga" is derived from the root "yuj" which means "to attach, join, harness, or yoke".

The practice of Yoga embodies unity of mind and body, thought and action.

This holistic approach is valuable to our health and our well-being.

Yoga is not just about exercise; it is a way to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world, and the nature.

Our nation, Fiji, has always cherished the values of inclusivity and unity.

Yoga embodies these values by promoting peace, harmony, emotional stability, and physical fitness, which are essential for the well-being of our citizens.

It is heartening to see such a diverse gathering here today, united by a common goal - to enhance our lives through the practice of yoga.

The physical benefits of yoga are well-documented. Regular practice can lead to improved flexibility, strength, and overall fitness.

It can help prevent and manage a range of Non-communicable diseases, which prevents a severe threat to the welfare of our country and the entire community.

The People's Coalition Government lead considers that it is indeed the duty of the government to protect, promote and support the well-being of all its citizens.

The crisis of non-communicable diseases (NCD's) constitutes a national emergency.

In recent decades, NCD's have become the biggest killer in Fiji, causing thousands of deaths every year - many of those deaths premature - and affecting the lives of many more.

Today, around 80% of all deaths in Fiji are caused by an NCD and those numbers are growing.

For this reason, the Ministry of Health advises all citizens to take at least 30 minutes to exercise daily (get your heartrate up), monitor what's on our plates and reduce consumption of sweets and fizzy drinks.

Taking up the practice of yoga is a good option for the sedentary couch dwellers who surf the tv and Netflix channels.

Every citizen must take responsibility for our health.

As Prime Minister I want to urge every citizen to take control of your health and wellbeing. This is a preventative and precautionary measure that will help you to live longer to look after your family and will avoid the need for healthcare which faces many challenges in Fiji.

As you lay out your mats and prepare to begin your yoga session, I urge you to reflect on the broader message of yoga - the pursuit of harmony within ourselves and with the world around us.

In a time where the global community faces numerous challenges, from health crises to environmental concerns, the principles of yoga can guide us towards a more balanced and compassionate approach to these issues.

Yoga teaches us the importance of mindfulness and being present in the moment.

It reminds us to take a step back, breathe, and approach our problems with a clear and focused mind.

These lessons are invaluable to us, individuals and members of society as we navigate the complexities of modern life.

Today, as you prepare to perform the yoga asanas and breathe together, let us embrace the spirit of community, peace, and resilience-values that my Government and I strongly advocate.

Let us use this opportunity to connect with ourselves and each other, fostering a sense of solidarity and mutual respect.

I thank the High Commission of India in Fiji for their proactive role in creating more awareness about yoga and promoting it across Fiji.

I hope more and more of us will start practicing yoga and help create a more healthy, resilient and harmonious community in the Pacific.

May this International Day of Yoga inspire you to continue your journey towards health and well-being.

Let us move forward together, in unity and peace.

Vinaka Vakalevu, Dhanyavaad, and Thank you.