Government of Samoa

09/03/2024 | News release | Archived content

Press Statement by the Hon. Prime Minister: Fiame Naomi Mataafa at the Press Conference on the Progress of the Samoa CHOGM Preparations by the Samoa National Task Force chaired[...]

It is not very often that we gather to speak about the Commonwealth, but this year, we are bringing the Commonwealth to Samoa, and to our Blue Pacific continent. It is fitting therefore that we pay tribute to the Commonwealth of Nations, an important organisation that Samoa joined in August 1970, of which nine (9) of our Pacific Islands Forum members are members of.

Commonwealth Day is celebrated on 11 March every year, commemorating this year the 75th anniversary of its journey and growth as a unique family of independent countries from Africa, Asia, Caribbean and the Americas, Europe and the Pacific. With its diverse membership, the Commonwealth comprises the world's largest to the smallest, and low- and high-income countries. Of the 56 members of the Commonwealth, 33 of the world's 42 small states are members. Samoa and seven other Forum Island countries fall into this grouping of small states, comprising a mix of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

Since independence, Samoa has gradually joined many multilateral and regional organisations to bolster our political and development relations that have helped realise our development aspirations. Equally important, however, are the roles and functions that political institutions like the Commonwealth and the Pacific Islands Forum play in our development. These organisations, bring together the political leaderships of our countries to consider these very issues. For many of us, the Commonwealth has been a constant in our lives, seeking to promote and advance our shared goals of development, democracy, human rights, freedom, peace and the interests of vulnerable states for and on behalf of 2.5 billion of our citizens, in particular our youth, women and children, anchored in solidarity, and the values and principles expressed in the Commonwealth Charter.

The Commonwealth is vital global partner for advocacy and support, particularly for small and vulnerable countries like Samoa. Collectively, we have an opportunity to respond and to make a difference.

Our theme for the Samoa CHOGM 2024 is One Resilient Common Future: Transforming our Common Wealth.

Our focus is on resilience, as a unifying approach that transcends the humanitarian, development, human rights, and peace and security pillars. The theme we have chosen will allow us to look at all the key pillars of the Commonwealth through a resilience lens. We strongly believe that we should focus on solutions and accelerated action. We speak from the collective experience of the Blue Pacific Continent, where our Pacific Islands Forum Leaders have declared climate change as the single greatest threat to the security and well-being of our people; where the ocean makes up 96 per cent of our Blue Pacific region; and where we are amongst the first to most immediately suffer the impacts of climate change.

This is not the first time that the Pacific has hosted a CHOGM, but it is the first time that a Pacific Island country like Samoa will host a CHOGM. Australia hosted CHOGMs in 1981, 2002, and 2011. New Zealand hosted in 1995. Vanuatu was scheduled to host the CHOGM in 2017 but rescinded its offer to host after Cyclone Pam devastated the country's infrastructure in March 2015. These are the realities of our countries and it is why the Commonwealth Aiga is important to us.

As host and incoming Chair of the Commonwealth, Samoa has an important opportunity to bring a unique perspective to the table and to contribute and influence discussions on all aspects of political and socio-economic development.

Consistent with the spirit of our Commonwealth Aiga, and guided by the Fa'asamoa, my government and I and people of Samoa eagerly anticipate welcoming the Commonwealth family to our island home and to our Blue Pacific Continent. We are working hand-in-hand with the Commonwealth Secretariat with the invaluable support of our partners and the Commonwealth Family, to ensure a successful, productive and unique event, and to the further strengthening of the spirit of Commonwealth cooperation.


To date all 56 members countries have indicated their attendance and representation at CHOGM 2024 through 34 Heads of State/Government including 3 monarchs from the United Kingdom (Head of the Commonwealth) Brunei Darussalam and Eswatini; the rest by ministers of state.

Status of Samoa's preparations:

Samoa's preparations have been organised under the umbrella of the Samoa National Task Force chaired by the Prime Minister. There are 12 subcommittees which are cochaired by the relevant Chief Executive Officers of Government ministries and SOEs under the coordination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Adopt a country programme:

The Samoa Tourism Authority has begun not only a beautification program throughout the country but has also invited villages from the airport to the perimeters of the meeting venues to adopt a country as a public relations welcome gesture to all our guests coming to Samoa for CHOGM 24.


The Conference Peninsula extends from the Parliament Buildings at Tiafau along the coastline towards the east through Apia, Matautu port where the Cruise liner will berth to provide additional accommodation and terminating at the Taumeasina Island Resort. All the selected venues have been upgraded and refurbished.

The venue for the official opening is the Tuanaimato Multipurpose Centre.

The meeting program generally is as follows:

• 18-19 October - Pre CHOGM - Commonwealth Forum for National Human Rights Institutions - Sheraton Aggies Hotel

• 21-22 October - Commonwealth Youth Forum - EFKS Youth Hall

• 21-22 October- Commonwealth Women's Forum - TATTE Convention Centre

• 21-22 October - Commonwealth People's Forum - TANOA Hotel

• 22-24 October - Commonwealth Business Forum - Sheraton Aggies Hotel

• 25 October - Conference Opening at Tuanaimato Multipurpose Centre/Leaders' Executive sessions - Parliament House

• 26 October - Leaders Retreat - Sheraton Resort Mulifanua

• 25-26 October - Foreign Ministers meetings -Taumeasina Island Resort

37 side events will be staged at the Ministry of Justice Courts complex


Land based accommodation is in accredited hotels/motels, private homes and cater from about 2000 rooms.

Sea based accommodation is on the cruise liner MV Explorer and provides about 1000 rooms

The online portal for registration and accommodation went live on 27 April.


Vehicles will be provided for all delegations to transport all delegates from the airport to places of accommodation and return on departure, transport to meeting venues, all events and functions. Government and the private sector are working in partnership to ensure that all transportation needs are met. The close locations of meeting venues will also be encouragement to delegates to walk from venue to venue.

Selected road networks are under upgrading through the Land Transport Authority.

With anticipation of a number of countries that will travel to Samoa using private aircrafts, a contract has been selected to provide assistance in slot management planning and ensuring that flight schedules are efficiently planned and that there is available parking spaces at the airport.

Consideration also is given to sufficient fuel and aviation fuel supplies to meet the additional needs of CHOGM


All delegates from outside and those participating in Samoa must register online to enable access to meeting venues and events.


The Government of Samoa has agreed to a security arrangement working in collaboration with the Governments of the UK, Australia and New Zealand for security defence given the presence of High Level Guests albeit ensuring that the security/defence footprint is kept light. In this regard also Samoa acknowledges the cooperation of our 7 Pacific neighbours to provide members of their respective police forces, capacity building and appropriate equipment and tools to assist the Samoa Police Force. Donated security equipment are now operational at the airport, port and eventually meeting venues and hotels.

Special events:

Forty special events other than the meetings proper will be hosted during CHOGM week and include side events related to the theme of the conference and organised between accredited Commonwealth organisations and local partners, the Samoa agricultural show, photographic exhibitions and musical performances. Some of these evets are open to the public and will be held at venues outside the formal designated venues.


The Public Service is looked at as the main source for people to provide liaison services, drivers for the transport fleet, accessory services for the police and fire and emergency services and up keep of meeting venues throughout the CHOGM week. All are required to take part in the relevant capacity building training for the remaining weeks before CHOGM

Media and Communications

Over 149 media services have registered for coverage of CHOGM. Contracts have been let for additional internet services throughout CHOGM week at all venues. This first press conference is the beginning of the awareness program under the guidance of the Media subcommittee. Branding work through billboards, banners are already in public display in the lead up to CHOGM week.

Royal Visit:

A separate but related program for the visit of Their Majesties is near finalisation.

Other related information on each of the meeting's components will be communicated through the chairpersons of the subcommittees.

I wish you all a good day. Soifua.


September 16, 2024