Seth Moulton

07/16/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Moulton Celebrates Two Successful Years of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

SALEM, MA - Congressman Seth Moulton is proud to mark the two-year anniversary of the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Since the launch of 988 on July 16, 2022, counselors answered more than 10 million calls, texts, and chats from people looking for help with suicidal thoughts and mental health and substance use-related crises.

Congressmen Moulton and former Congressman Chris Stewart (R-Utah) introduced the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act in 2019. That legislation passed Congress with bipartisan support and was signed into law the following year, paving the way for the establishment of the new 988 lifeline.

"I'm extraordinarily proud of the success of the 988 lifeline over the past two years. This is a testament to the dedication of the thousands of call center employees and volunteers who work each day to help people when they truly need it most," said Congressman Moulton. "The high volume of calls and messages to 988 shows that Americans are still in dire need of improved mental health resources. I will continue to advocate for more funding to expand 988 services. Importantly, we need to keep spreading awareness that the line exists, because not enough Americans know that this resource is free, confidential, and available 24/7."

"The story of 988 also shows how much we need a return to bipartisanship in Washington. It's a reminder that extremist politics won't make this country better, but real partnership across the aisle will," added Congressman Moulton.

Other updates on 988 include:

  • Of the 10 million contacts answered in the past two years, 1.7 million were texts - with 988 answering 51% more texts in the past 12 months than the year before.
  • Almost 1.2 million of the 988 calls were answered by the Veterans Crisis Line (VCL) through 988's Press 1 option. Veterans and their supporters have reached VCL through phone, online chat, and text over 2 million times since July 2022.
  • Last year, 988 also added Spanish text and chat, specialized services for LGBTQI+ youth and young adults, and videophone for American Sign Language (ASL) users. Since these expansions of services, 988 counselors have answered about 20,000 Spanish-language chats and texts; more than 475,000 LGBTQI+ youth and young adult texts, calls, and chats; and about 20,000 videophone contacts in ASL.
  • The 988 Lifeline has received more than 130,000 calls from Massachusetts residents since it was launched. Over 5,800 calls to 988 were answered in Massachusetts in May alone (the most recent month with available data).

Congressman Moulton is a co-sponsor of the 988 Implementation Act and the Local 988 Response Act, which will provide federal support and funding for states to enact 988 and crisis services, improve 988 implementation at the local level, and broaden awareness of available resources. Moulton also leads efforts every year in Congress to increase federal appropriations for 988 and the Veterans Crisis Line.

Earlier this month, $8.3 million in state and federal grant funding was announced for five community organizations to support the continuation of services for the 988 Lifeline in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Department of Health will also launch a statewide public awareness campaign to promote 988.

Moulton is currently preparing a new bill that would address America's epidemic of loneliness and social isolation. He will be introducing that legislation later this year.