Michigan Department of Transportation

12/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/13/2024 07:04

Reminder: Public comment deadline for I-94 CAV corridor project is Dec. 19

LANSING, Mich. - The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has completed an environmental assessment (EA) for the proposed I-94 connected and automated vehicle (CAV) corridor projectin Washtenaw and Wayne counties. A pilot CAV lane is currently open on westbound I-94 from Belleville to Rawsonville roads. The proposed project would extend the CAV lane on I-94 from Ann Arbor-Saline Road in Washtenaw County to M-10 (Lodge Freeway) in Wayne County.

Public comment:
The EA document is available for public review and comment at www.Michigan.gov/CAVProject. Printed copies of the EA document are also available for public review at designated locations listed on the project website. Comments must be emailed, submitted online or postmarked by Dec. 19, 2024. Comments can also be submitted online, by email to [email protected]or by mail to:

Monica Monsma
Van Wagoner Transportation Building B245
425 W. Ottawa St.
Lansing, MI 48933

Project information:
MDOT has prepared an EA for the proposed I-94 CAV corridor project along 39.3 miles of I-94 from Ann Arbor-Saline Road in Ann Arbor to M-10 (Lodge Freeway) in Detroit. The purpose of the proposed CAV project is to improve the corridor with smart road technology, improve pavement conditions and operations, and equip the existing inside general-purpose lane with technology that enhances road operations and supports CAVs. Vehicles will be able to enter the lane through access points, which are breaks between physical separation that are at least 2,000 feet long to allow for merging.

MDOT has encouraged public involvement throughout the study process with multiple in-person and virtual open houses held in 2023 and 2024. The EA is available for review and comment online at www.Michigan.gov/CAVProject. That website will also feature a copy of the complete transcript, including all the written and recorded oral comments received.