Prime Minister's Office of Singapore

05/05/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/06/2022 00:25

PM Lee Hsien Loong to visit Johor, Malaysia on 6 May 2022

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Mdm Ho Ching will visit Johor, Malaysia on 6 May 2022, to attend a Johor state award investiture ceremony at the invitation of the Sultan of Johor, DYMM Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar. The award investiture ceremony will be held at the Istana Besar in Johor Bahru.

Prime Minister Lee will receive the First Class, Grand Commander of the Order, Dato' Sri Paduka Mahkota Johor (SPMJ - Order of the Crown of Johor) from Sultan Ibrahim. Mdm Ho Ching will receive the First Class, Grand Commander of the Order, Dato' Sri Mulia Sultan Ibrahim Johor (SMIJ - Order of Sultan Ibrahim of Johor). The SPMJ is the highest honour in the state of Johor, while Mdm Ho Ching will be the first Singaporean recipient of the SMIJ. Factsheets of both awards are at Appendix.

Following the ceremony, Sultan Ibrahim will host an official brunch in honour of Prime Minister Lee and Mdm Ho Ching. Members of the Johor Royal Family and the Royal Court, as well as Johor state government representatives will also attend the proceedings.

Prime Minister Lee and Mdm Ho Ching will be accompanied by Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law K Shanmugam, and officials from the Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Ministry of Communications and Information.

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5 MAY 2022



Soon after gaining British recognition as Sultan for the State and Territory of Johor on 11 December 1885, Sultan Abu Bakar proceeded to commission an order of chivalry to honour and appreciate the services and contributions of his loyal officers, as well as to reciprocate the conferment of honour and privileges accorded him by the royal courts of Europe. The Most Honourable Order of the Crown of Johor and its Statutes and Regulations were instituted based on the English Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. London Royal Jeweller J. W. Benson was appointed to make the insignias of the order.

The Order of the Crown of Johor consists of the Sovereign and three designated classes of membership. The First Class, Grand Commander, is styled as Dato' Sri Paduka Mahkota Johor (SPMJ) and the Second Class, Commander, as Dato' Paduka Mahkota Johor (DPMJ). Both classes carry the honorific title "Dato'". The Third Class, Companion (Setia) does not carry any title. Ordinary Members of the Order are invited from among Malays professing the religion of Islam and subjects of the Ruler and who have exhibited loyalty, virtues, and talents and have rendered invaluable service to the Sultan and State. Malays from other States, and other races whether subjects of the Ruler or otherwise and who meet the criteria may be invited as Honorary Members.

Being a staunch Muslim, Abu Bakar took into consideration the teachings, philosophies, beliefs and rituals of Islam in designing the insignia of the Order. The collar of the First Class of the Order in gilt and red enamel is made up of links in the form of crescent and stars, bows and the cyphers in Arabic of Prophet Mohammad's Principal Disciples and Companions Abu Bakar, Othman, Omar and Ali. The back link is the design of a crown. The front device supported by two golden tigers is the name of the Prophet in Arabic surmounted by a crown and flanked by the Mace of Religion on the right and the Mace of the Universe on the left, with a blue scroll below bearing the motto of the Order in Arabic "Kepada Allah Berserah" (Unto Allah Resigned).

The breast star 90mm in diameter is made of silver designed with five flame-like rays with gold crescents and stars between the rays. The crescent and star is the symbol of Islam, the official religion of the State of Johor. Five is the number of the Pillars of Islam, and the number of daily obligatory prayers to be observed. The centre of the breast star is encircled by a blue garter bearing the motto of the Order and consists of a white field with a crown, the name of the Prophet in Arabic and the crescent and star in the centre. An 86mm wide silk sash in yellow with a broad blue centre stripe, and a sash badge 58mm in diameter of similar design as the breast star completes the Order.

The crown denotes Abu Bakar as Sovereign and Chief of the Order, blue the colour of the sovereign, white signifies purity and subservience to Allah, yellow the traditional colour of Malay royalty, red and the image of tigers reflects courage and bravery.

The Order was instituted on 31 July 1886 following the coronation of Sultan Abu Bakar. Among the first recipients were Dato' Jaafar Mohamad, the first Menteri Besar of Johor, and members of his cabinet Dato' Mohamad Salleh bin Perang (Dato' Bentara Luar), Dato' Mohamad Ibrahim Abdullah Munshi (Dato' Bentara Dalam) and Dato' Sri Amar Diraja Abdul Rahman Andak (the first State Secretary of Johor). Former Prime Ministers of Malaysia Tun Abdul Razak (1961), Tun Hussein On (1972), Tun Mahathir Mohamad (1979), and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin (1991) were Members the Order, as were former Prime Ministers of Singapore Mr Lee Kuan Yew (1984) and Mr Goh Chok Tong (1991), and former Singapore Minister of Law Mr E.W Barker (1984). Since its inception in 1886, some 237 individuals were conferred the Order but 166 members have since then passed on.


A gentleman Member of the First Class of the Order is titled Dato' with the prefix "Yang Berhormat" (His Excellency). The wife of the Member is styled as Datin but not addressed by her maiden name but by the husband's name, e.g. Datin (name of husband).

A lady Member of the Order is titled Datin Paduka, with the prefix "Yang Berhormat" (Her Excellency). Her spouse does not carry a title.

  1. The Star and Collar shall be worn at an investiture of a Member of the Order, at the occasion of the birthday of the Ruler known as "Collar Day", or when commanded by the Ruler on the occasion of a special and official function.

  2. The Star may be worn without the Collar at a semi-official function including a State Banquet, or a royal wedding reception graced by the Ruler. On such occasions the Star is worn on the left breast, with the sash (instead of the collar) worn over the right shoulder so as to fall below the waist on the left side with the small badge hanging at the end of the sash.

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His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar the 24th Ruler of the Johor Sultanate and the 5th Sovereign of Modern Johor commissioned a personal order of chivalry to commemorate his coronation on 23rd March 2015, named and styled The Most Exalted Order of Sultan Ibrahim of Johor (Darjah Sultan Ibrahim Johor Yang Amat Disanjungi). The Order was instituted on 30th March 2015.

The Order comprises the Sovereign and three designated classes of membership. The First Class, Grand Commander (Dato' Sri Mulia Sultan Ibrahim Johor (SMIJ), and the Second Class, Commander (Dato' Mulia Sultan Ibrahim Johor (DMIJ) carry the honorific title Dato'. The third class, Companion (Setia) does not carry any title. The motto of the Order is "Tawakal Kepada Allah" (Resigned Unto Allah).

Ordinary Members of the Order are Malays professing the religion of Islam and subjects of His Majesty, and who have exhibited loyalty, virtues, and talents, and have rendered invaluable service to the Sultan and State. His Majesty with his gracious pleasure and consideration invites and confers the Order to foreign persons upon whom he thinks fit and proper and who would do the honour to accept and join the Order as Honorary Members.

London jeweller David McCarty appointed by His Majesty was commissioned to make the embellishments of the Order based on Islamic philosophies and designed by His Majesty. The insignia of the First Class consists of a collar, a breast star, a sash and neck and sash badges. The collar is made of gilt and enamel with links in the form of crowns surmounting the name of Sultan Ibrahim, and the names of Prophet Mohammad's Principal Disciples and Companions Abu Bakar, Othman, Omar and Ali in Arabic script made from blue enamel. The back link is in the form of a crown. The front device consists of Prophet Mohammad's name in Arabic in red enamel and supported by stylized gambier (Uncario gambir) leaves and pepper (Piper nigrum) berries, and flanked by the Sceptre of Religion on its right and the Sceptre of the Universe on its left. The device is surmounted by a crown, and a blue scroll below bearing the motto of the Order in Arabic script Tawakal Kepada Allah (Resigned Unto Allah).

The breast badge is in the form of a star made of silver 90mm in diameter, with seven flame-like rays with silver crescents and stars separating the rays. The centre is encircled by a blue garter bearing the motto of the Order, and consists of a white field and the royal cypher "SI" (denoting Sultan Ibrahim) with a crown. The neck and sash badges are 58mm across and have similar design as the breast star. The silk sash is 86mm wide with five equal stripes of blue, white, yellow, white, and blue.

Seven is the number of encirclements of the Ka'aba and the circuits of the Sae during the performance of the Haj. The crescent and star are symbols of Islam. White signifies purity and subservience to Allah. Blue is the colour of the Sovereign, yellow the traditional colour of Malay royalty, and red denotes courage and bravery.

Notable recipients of the order conferred on 30th March 2015 at the investiture ceremony in conjunction with His Majesty's coronation are His Royal Highness Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, the Crown Prince of Johor, His Majesty's mother Her Highness Enche' Besar Hajah Khalsom, and Members of the Royal Family Her Highness Tunku Tun Aminah, His Highness Tunku Idris Iskandar Alhaj the Tunku Temenggong Johor, His Highness Tunku Abdul Rahman Alhaj the Tunku Panglima Johor, His Highness Tunku Abu Bakar Alhaj the Tunku Putra Johor. Dato' Mohamad Khaled Nordin the then Menteri Besar of Johor was conferred with the Order at the same occasion. On 10 July 2019 His Majesty conferred the order to His Excellency Mr Rodrigo Duterte President of the Philippines at Malacanang Palace, Manila.

His Highness Tunku Abdul Rahman AlHaj Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, the Tunku Panglima Johor is the Chancellor of the Order.


A gentleman Member of the First Class of the Order has the honorific title Dato' with the prefix "Yang Berhormat" (His Excellency). The wife of the member is styled Datin but is not addressed by her maiden name but by the husband's name, e.g. Datin (name of husband).

A lady Member of the Order is styled Datin Paduka, with the prefix "Yang Berhormat" (Her Excellency). Her spouse does not carry a title.

  1. The Star and Collar shall be worn at an investiture of a Member of the Order, at the occasion of the birthday of the Ruler known as "Collar Day", or when commanded by the Ruler on the occasion of a special and official function.

  2. The Star may be worn without the Collar at a semi-official function including a State Banquet, or a royal wedding reception graced by the Ruler. On such occasions the Star is worn on the left breast, with the sash (instead of the collar) worn over the right shoulder so as to fall below the waist on the left side with the small badge hanging at the end of the sash.

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Provided by:
Dato' Dr. Abdul Rahim Bin Ramli
President, Council of Royal Court Johor
Chancellor of the Most Honourable Order of the Crown of Johor

Topics: Foreign affairs