Ministry of National Defence of the Hellenic Republic

31/08/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendias Attends GLOBSEC Forum 2024 in Prague

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Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendias Attends GLOBSEC Forum 2024 in Prague

August 31, 2024


On Saturday, 31 August 2024, the Minister of National Defence, Nikos Dendias, attended the GLOBSEC Forum 2024, which took place in Prague.

Mr. Dendias participated in the discussion on the subject "Tomorrow's Threats, Today's Priorities".

The discussion, which was moderated by the Editorial Director of Le Monde, Sylvie Kauffmann, also included the Minister of Defence of Italy, Guido Crosetto, the former Minister of Defence of Slovakia, Martin Sklenár, the co-founder and co-CEO of Helsing, Gundbert Scherf, and the Director for Northern Europe at the Atlantic Council, Anna Wieslander.

During the discussion, replying to the question "What impact would this portfolio (Defence) have on the High Representative for Foreign Policy portfolio?", Mr. Dendias stated:

"It is clear that these two persons have to work very closely together. It cannot be a separate job. And of course, as everything new, this new Defence Commissioner would have problems in establishing their role, in creating an understanding of their role, within first of all the European Union, but also in the member-states, in the capitals.

Because up to now, it was totally a national prerogative. That we know. But I would prefer to take the optimistic side. It's a step. It's a very important step. And as always, big things start with small steps. So, let's encourage this effort and see where we go from there".

Concerning what he thinks this European Commissioner for Defence will change or what he wants him or her to change as a priority, the Greek Minister stated:

"The truth is we have to change our economies in a way that would sustain a potential defence effort in the future. To do that, we have to appreciate first of all that this is absolutely necessary. I mean, you said before that was not the purpose of the European Union.

But what was the purpose? The purpose of the European Union is to create a place where democracy, human rights exist, freedom of speech exists. Now, it goes without saying that for this place on Earth to exist, we have to be able to defend it. Because it is not given that all countries around the world and all leaders around the world love to hear things coming out of free speech, love democracy, love human rights; so we have to be able to defend it.

Now, the answer would be yes, we have NATO for this. Fine. We do have NATO and luckily we do have NATO. But we have to do the job ourselves and that's a job complementary to NATO's. And I totally agree with Ursula's position on trying to coordinate the defence industries and expand the defence capacities of the European Union.

But if I may be allowed to say something, on that particular issue, the European Union per se is contradictory. Why am I saying that? The European Union counts the defence capability on the debt and the deficit. If we are saying that we have to make a huge effort and catch up and we don't have time in front of us, that cannot be so.

I mean, I am struggling every day, every day, with the fiscal necessities of my Ministry, trying to transform the Greek Armed Forces on what we call Agenda 2030, to a level of the 21st century. Exactly because of these challenges. And I have the European Union on my back, because of the deficits and the debt, and I cannot do this, I cannot do that, I have to reprogram for after ten and fifteen years.

So, I mean, come on, we are going to have a Defence Commissioner, great, fine. What the Defence Commissioner do, if I cannot sign a check? So, please, change the fiscal rules on defence. That would be the main thing that the European Union needs for the future".

The Greek Minister, on whether he sees a political will to do this, added:

"I see the ultimate rule; the rule of necessity to survive behind this. Now, if the fiscal rules are fine in the European Union and the European Union does not survive, that would be great! We would have the rules there, a shrine, as Moses' tablets, and we would be destroyed by authoritarian powers around the world.
I mean, it obviously goes too far. I totally, totally understand the need for fiscal responsibilities, but this is a time that calls for extra measures".

Finally, the Minister of National Defence stressed:

"I am finding myself totally agreeing with Guido (Crosetto) here today. It is clear that incentives have to be produced by the new European Commissioner in order to help create a common market, a common space of the European defence industries. And that is needed.

And that is not needed just as an antagonism towards the United States. But let us be honest and clear between us, and there was a question posed before on this. I am not predicting the next US elections and I am not entitled to do that. Who am I to speak about the choice of the American people? But there is one element we Europeans have to appreciate.

There is a growing isolationism element in the United States. A part of the United States' society, for their own reasons, see that the United States can live safely between the two oceans. And does not necessarily have to involve itself in Europe or anywhere else.

And even the non-isolationist part of the United States looks more towards China and less towards Europe. It was the invasion in Ukraine that changed that. But changed it up to a point.

So, Europe has to be able to sustain itself. And to be able to sustain itself, it has to have a defence industry of itself. Not as an antagonist, but as something that can help us defend ourselves. And at the end of the day, realize the real purpose of the Union, which is this unique space of human rights, of democracy, of free speech".

On the margins of the GLOBSEC Forum 2024, Mr. Dendias met with the EU Special Representative for the Belgrade - Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkan regional issues, Miroslav Lajcak, with whom he discussed security matters of the Western Balkans region.