12/17/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 12/17/2024 09:56
Tidbits is saying goodbye to 2024 with this edition. It will next hit inboxes on January 6, 2025. Nebraska agriculture this year had drought, record corn production, lower crop prices, shrinking cattle numbers, higher cattle prices, moderating interest rates, lower exports, the election of new political leaders, and the deterioration of farm financial conditions. After setting a record in 2023, net farm income this year will be lower but still above average. Given the uncertainties and vicissitudes of agriculture, remember the words of one French philosopher-"Life's absurd. Just enjoy it."
Special thanks to all who read Tidbits. Each week Tidbits looks to provide timely, informative material on Nebraska agriculture, the agricultural economy, and global and national economic happenings affecting Nebraska farmers and ranchers. Feedback is most welcome and very much appreciated.
Also special thanks to the staff at Nebraska Farm Bureau-Whittney Kelley, Craig Head, Cassie Hoebelheinrich, Abbie Durheim, and Oscar Diaz-who put the finishing touches on Tidbits, distribute it, and post it to the website each week. Tidbits would not be possible without their help.
And finally, have a happy, enjoyable, and wonderful holiday season!