City of Troy, NY

09/06/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/06/2024 08:17

Mayor Mantello Introduces ‘Operation Sweep’, Addressing Code Violations and Public Safety Issues

TROY, NY (Sep 6) - Last week, Mayor Carmella Mantello kicked off 'Operation Sweep', an initiative under the Mayor's Quality of Life Action Task Force targeting hotspots for code violations, public safety hazards, and quality of life issues.

"Operation Sweep represents our commitment to not only enforcing city codes but also building stronger relationships with our residents," said Mayor Mantello. "By engaging directly with homeowners, tenants, and corner store we can ensure that our neighborhoods remain safe, clean, and welcoming for everyone. It's about more than just compliance-it's about building community pride block-by-block."

This safer and cleaner initiative involves members of Code Enforcement, Sanitation, Streets, Litter Patrol, the Mayor's Office, and the Troy Police Department. The operation focused on directly engaging with homeowners and tenants to address violations promptly, abating on the spot, emphasizing the importance of maintaining safe and clean neighborhoods.

During the sweep, officials visited various hotspots where neighborhood organizations and residents have reported code violations and safety issues. In addition to leaving citations or notices on doors, the teams made a concerted and collaborative effort to speak directly with residents. This approach allowed for immediate conversation, education on city regulations, and the opportunity for residents to ask questions or voice concerns.

Moving forward, the City of Troy plans to conduct additional sweeps in other neighborhoods, reinforcing the city's dedication to proactive and community-focused enforcement efforts.

In total, the City of Troy issued 300 code violations, 23 tickets for cars with no registration, and towed one vehicle across 150 properties in only 2 hours.


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