HMT - UK Her Majesty's Treasury

06/26/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Financial sanctions, Somalia

The Somalia (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 ensure financial sanctions for Somalia are implemented effectively in the UK.


The Somalia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 put in place sanctions measures to:

  • ensure the UK continues to meet its obligations under the United Nations sanctions regime relating to Somalia
  • promote the peace, stability and security of Somalia
  • support the Federal Government of Somalia to promote peace, stability, security and the rule of law, including, in particular, supporting its efforts to reconstruct the country, to counter the threats posed by terrorism and from illegal armed groups, and to tackle the flow of illegal arms
  • promote the effective delivery of the mandates of the regional and international monitoring, peace-support and protection and training missions and mechanisms in Somalia
  • promote respect for humanitarian assistance activities in Somalia
  • promote compliance with the rules of international humanitarian law applicable to the armed conflicts in Somalia
  • promote respect for human rights in Somalia

UK regulations

EU regulations (applicable prior to 11pm, 31 December 2020)

Find out more about UK sanctions on Somalia