Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan)

07/01/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Remarks by Vice Minister Li-kuo Chen at the reception for Piccolo coro and Piccola orchestra from the Czech Republic

Remarks by Vice Minister Li-kuo Chen at the reception for Piccolo coro and Piccola orchestra from the Czech Republic

  • Data Source:Department of European Affairs
  • Date:2024-07-01

Li-kuo Chen

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs

Republic of China (Taiwan)

July 1, 2024

(As Prepared for Delivery)

Ladies and gentlemen:

Good evening! Dobrý večer [Do-bri ve-cher]!

On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I warmly welcome Piccolo coro and Piccola orchestra. I am delighted that you have chosen Taiwan to kick off your world tour this year, which features sold-out performances in Taipei and Kaohsiung.

Since its establishment in 1996, Piccolo coro and Piccola orchestra has held hundreds of concerts at home and abroad. It has recorded four albums and won numerous prizes. I would like to extend special thanks to Formosa Virtuoso Organist for organizing and hosting the ensemble's concerts in Taiwan, affording us the opportunity to experience world-class performances from the Czech Republic.

Cultural exchanges between Taiwan and the Czech Republic are flourishing. In addition to music, our countries have been collaborating on museum exhibitions. Last month, First Vice President of the Czech Senate Jiří Drahoš visited Taiwan to witness the signing of the cooperation agreement between the National Palace Museum and the National Museum in Prague. We look forward to seeing artifacts from the National Palace Museum on display in Prague next year. I believe they will spark interest in both the Czech Republic and across Central and Eastern Europe.

Taiwan deeply appreciates the efforts of the Czech government to foster bilateral exchanges and support Taiwan in the international arena. In particular, I wish to express my gratitude to Senator Hilšer for staunchly backing Taiwan and championing our shared ideals and values. Your continued commitment serves as a testament to the ever-closer ties between our two countries. I would also like to express appreciation to the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs for its generous contribution to relief efforts following the Hualien earthquake in April. And I sincerely thank the Czech Senate for passing resolutions supporting Taiwan's participation in international organizations, including the World Health Organization, for four consecutive years.

In closing, I wish you all a splendid evening, and I wish Piccolo coro and Piccola orchestra a most pleasant and productive stay in Taiwan. Now please join me in a toast: to the success of this visit and to the continued deepening of relations between Taiwan and the Czech Republic. Cheers!