Democratic Party - Democratic National Committee

07/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/16/2024 09:58

Ahead of the MAGA National Convention, DNC Announces Over $15 Million in Direct Investments to Battleground State Parties Arrow

The Democratic coordinated campaign is doing the work on the ground to win

As the MAGA Republican Party prepares to officially nominate Project 2025 collaborator, and 2020 election loser Donald Trump for president, the DNC announced $15 million in direct expenditures to battleground state parties - helping fund the best coordinated campaign ground game and infrastructure that has ever been laid to this point in the battleground states. In total, these investments will help allow the Democratic coordinated campaign to open more field offices and hire more staffers. So far, the Democratic coordinated campaign has 217 field offices across the battleground and employs more than 1,100 staffers with four months still to go before the election.

This week, while Republicans continue to beat their chest and fall in line behind Trump's bombardment of reproductive freedom, our economy, and our democracy, it's important to remember that the DNC is actually on the ground doing the work to win this election - community by community, door by door.

"As the RNC showcases the extreme Project 2025 agenda of the Trump-Vance ticket, the DNC is focused on reaching voters in battleground states. Today, we're announcing $15 million directly invested from the DNC into battleground state parties thus far this cycle, contributing to over 217 field offices and more than 1,100 staffers. Trump's extreme agenda makes this the most consequential election of our lifetime. That's why Democrats are leaving nothing to chance, investing heavily on the ground to ensure Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win this election," said Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison. "This election is going to come down to operation and turnout in the battleground states, and that's why we've made the largest-ever investment into battleground state parties at this point in the cycle. We're going to win this election by engaging voters community-by-community, block-by-block, door-by-door. These investments show that commitment in action."

Battleground State-by-State Investments At-a-Glance:

State Investment to State Party
AZ Nearly $1.5 Million
GA Nearly $1 Million
MI Nearly $2 Million
NC Over $1.2 Million
NV Over $2 Million
PA Nearly $2 Million
WI Nearly $3 Million

These investments also:

  • Fund new field offices opening in both urban and rural areas of battleground states.
  • Help state parties get accurate data, communicate with, and organize individuals across the battlegrounds.
  • Strengthen coordinated campaigns to not only help Democrats win at the top of the ticket, but down-ballot as well.