Republican Party of New Mexico

07/18/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/18/2024 23:03

Chairman Pearce on Conclusion of Republican National Convention

MILWAUKEE, JULY 18-On Thursday, the last night of the Republican National Convention, Donald J. Trump accepted the nomination for President of the United States for the 2024 General Election. The delegates from New Mexico and the Republican state chairman were in the audience at this historic event.

The Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce gave the following statement at the convention's conclusion:

"Tonight, Donald Trump accepted the nomination for president, and his speech was a powerful finale to an impactful, inspiring, and emotional Republican National Convention. President Trump attended every night of the convention. He sat in a very visible section among the crowd, displaying his fearlessness and desire to be close to his supporters, despite the recent assassination attempt.

"During the convention, we heard from speakers, including his granddaughter and the thirteen Gold Star families of the Afghanistan withdrawal, whom Biden refuses to acknowledge. We heard Kellyanne Conway recount how she saw Trump elevating women, many of whom were young mothers, to positions of power throughout his administration. Rapper Amber Rose said, 'the media has lied to us about Donald Trump. I'm here to set the record straight. My entire family is racially diverse…I did my research and looked into all things Donald Trump and I realized Donald trump and his supporters don't care if you're black, white, gay or straight, it's all love.' Through their eyes, many were shown a side of Donald Trump that is forgotten: he's a grandfather, a friend, an advocate of women, and an ally of all Americans.

"Tonight, we saw a more personal, humble Trump who spoke directly to the hearts, fears, and struggles of every American, regardless of political party. The resounding message throughout the convention and again tonight was that of unifying the nation across party lines, racial lines, or any other line that divides us. He shared a common vision of prosperity, security, and strength that will 'make America great again' for everyone. He very poignantly communicated that we are in a fight for the survival of the country.

"Overall, the convention was a defining moment in our history, a vigorous launching platform for the remaining months before the general election. While New Mexico Democrats are divided over their candidate, Republicans are united, enthusiastic, and ready to turn New Mexico red."