City of League City, TX

09/11/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/11/2024 09:47

Council Approves FY2025 Budget and Lowers Tax Rate

On September 10, the League City Council approved a budget for Fiscal Year 2025 and approved a new tax rate of $0.369, which is lower than the current tax rate of $0.395. This is the tenth consecutive year League City has lowered the tax rate.

The approved FY2025 budget totals $419,289,412-with an Operating Budget of $184,184,985 and a Capital Improvement Program Budget of $235,104,427. The overall FY2025 budget reflects the City Council's efforts to remain fiscally responsible while maintaining excellent City services.

The FY2025 budget includes additional personnel, new and replacement equipment for public safety and public works, and continued funding for the Neighborhood Flock Grant Program and the City's Reinvestment program.

The approved budget includes a total of 14.00 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions for the following:

  • PRN Paramedics (equal to 2 FTE) for the Mental Health Unit,
  • Application Software Specialist for IT to be hired January 2025 (1 FTE),
  • Police Officers partially grant funded through a COPS hiring grant (6 FTEs),
  • Community Outreach and Development Coordinator for Animal Control to be hired January 2025 (1 FTE),
  • Fire Plans Examiner for Fire Marshal to be hired January 2025 (1 FTE),
  • Plans Reviewer for Building to be hired January 2025 (1 FTE),
  • Traffic Operations Specialist for Streets & Traffic to be hired January 2025 (1 FTE),
  • Water Operator I for Water Production (1 FTE),
  • Reclass four (4) Paramedics to Shift Lieutenant (one per shift),
  • Reclass Public Education Specialist to Fire Training Captain,
  • Reclass Volunteer Coordinator to Librarian

The Operating Budget includes funding for existing services with growth in operating expenses for:

  • continuation of the reinvestment program,
  • compensation increases, including 2.5% merit and 2% cost of living for civilian employees as well as 3.5% cost of living and STEP raises for civil service employees,
  • funding of $60,000 to implement recommendations from HR for parity increases for select positions based on market comparisons,
  • funding for $5 per hour premium pay for employees that work any of the 10 recognized City holidays,
  • funding for a new Ford F150 Extended Cab truck for Facilities department use,
  • funding for November 2024 election expenses,
  • funding for replacement ballistic vests with rifle plates for Police K9 Officers,
  • funding for year two of the Neighborhood Flock Grant Program,
  • funding to increase staffing for the second stipend engine for Fire,
  • funding for six portable ultrasound machines for EMS, two mechanical CPR devices for EMS, and two defibrillators for EMS,
  • funding for body cameras for Animal Control Officers and EMS personnel,
  • funding for a conflict monitor tester for Streets & Traffic,
  • funding for supplemental mosquito control for Streets & Traffic,
  • funding for a Public Works Operation Center C 2,000-gallon unleaded fueling center,
  • funding for a trailer for Parks Operations,
  • funding for increases to water contract purchases.
  • funding for a spare booster pump motor for Water Production,
  • funding for a temporary modular building at the Dallas Salmon Wastewater Treatment
  • funding for various improvements at the Ballpark at League City

View the entire League City FY2025 budget online at