City of Middleton, WI

09/13/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/13/2024 14:10

City Honored with APA-WI Award

The City of Middleton, in partnership with Vandewalle & Associates, has been recognized for its innovative efforts in zoning reform by receiving a prestigious Best Practice 2024 Awardfrom the American Planning Association - Wisconsin Chapter (APA-WI). The award, presented at APA-WI's annual conference on September 12, 2024, in Madison, celebrates the city's comprehensive rewrite of its zoning ordinance, which has been lauded as a model for municipalities across the state.

Kara Homan, AICP, president of APA-WI, commended the project, stating, "The Middleton zoning rewrite is a wonderful example of a community taking the time and effort to understand the issues the community is facing and develop zoning tools that try and solve them. While not every idea was adopted, those who worked to create the code worked to prioritize and compromise and settle on things that could be implemented."

The Zoning Ordinance Rewrite project aimed to modernize the city's zoning regulations, promote sustainable development and create a more flexible framework for both businesses and residents. By integrating community input, advanced planning principles, and the latest best practices, the new zoning ordinance sets a standard for balancing economic growth with environmental stewardship and neighborhood livability.

Mayor Emily Kuhn praised the collaborative efforts behind the project, stating, "This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our planning team, Vandewalle & Associates, and the community members who helped shape this vision. The new zoning ordinance reflects our commitment to creating a thriving, sustainable, and inclusive future for Middleton. We're honored to be recognized by the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Planning Association for this achievement, and we're excited to see the positive impact it will have on our city for years to come."

The APA-WI's Best Practice Awardrecognizes projects that demonstrate excellence in planning implementation. Middleton's zoning ordinance rewrite stood out for its forward-thinking approach, addressing issues such as housing affordability, walkability, and climate resilience while streamlining the approval process for development.

For more information on the City of Middleton's zoning ordinance and other planning initiatives, please visit