City of Rowlett, TX

06/27/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/27/2024 12:57

Extreme Heat Information

STEAR - State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry

The State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry (STEAR) is available to members of our community with specialized needs in the event of emergency. During the summer months, there is a potential for power outages during extreme heat.

For more information, eligibility, and registration, click here.

Extreme Heat

In Texas, we experience extreme heat as early as May, and are experiencing above normal temperatures this year.

Be prepared

  • Cover windows with drapes or shades to prevent the sun from heating up your home
  • Make sure your doors and windows are weather-stripped or insulated, and are not letting cool air outside
  • Learn to recognize the signs of heat related illness in yourself and others.
  • Wear loose, lightweight clothing
  • Avoid high-intensity outdoor activities during the warmest part of the day
  • Never leave pets, children, or other people in a hot car for any period of time. Car temperatures increase very fast on a hot day!
  • Always wear sunscreen when you are going to be outside, or protect yourself from the sun using a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and other protective clothing.
  • Avoid leaving pets outside for long periods of time or walking your pets in the middle of the day. Hot pavement can injure their paws!

Heat Related Illness

It is important to know the signs and symptoms of heat related illness, so you can help your family and friends.

Heat Cramps

Heat cramps are often the first sign of other heat related illnesses. Muscle pains or spasms usually occur in the stomach, arms, or legs.

Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion occurs when individuals exercise or work in extreme heat, resulting in a mild form of shock.


  • Cool, moist, pale, or flushed skin
  • Heavy sweating
  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Exhaustion

If you notice signs of heat cramps or heat exhaustion in yourself or someone else, get to a cooler location. Remove any excess clothing and take small sips of water or sport drinks. If symptoms do not improve, contact a healthcare provider.

Heat Stroke


  • Hot, red skin
  • Lack of perspiration
  • Changes in consciousness
  • Rapid, weak pulse
  • Rapid, weak breathing

If you suspect heat stroke, call 9-1-1 or take the person to the hospital immediately.


When your area is in a drought, it is important to conserve water! In order to determine if your area is in a state of drought, take a look at the United States Drought Monitor, updated every Thursday.

Here are some ticks and tricks to conserve water:

  • Always turn the faucet off when brushing your teeth, washing your face, or shaving.
  • If you have extra water anywhere, don't pour it down the drain! You can use it to water indoor plants or your garden.
  • Fix any faucets that are dripping - it may not seem like much, but 1 drip per second equals 2,700 gallons of water per year.
  • If you are planting a garden, use drought-tolerant plants. These require less water than others. Consider harvesting rainfall to use to water your plants!
  • Take short showers instead of baths where you can.
  • If you need to water your plants or lawn, do so in the early morning or evening hours. This helps plants to absorb more water, and less to evaporate.

Additional Resources

  • Do you know a senior in Rowlett who does not have access to air conditioning? The Senior Source is doing a giveaway this year - find more information here!