Democratic Party - Democratic National Committee

07/18/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/18/2024 15:34

WATCH: DNC and Biden-Harris Campaign Host Press Conference Slamming Donald Trump and JD Vance’s Extreme Project 2025 Agenda Arrow

Today in Milwaukee Senator Alex Padilla, Congresswoman Joyce Beatty, Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley, and Biden-Harris 2024 Deputy Campaign Manager Quentin Fulks hosted a press conference calling out Donald Trump and JD Vance's extreme, anti-democratic Project 2025 agenda.


"Project 2025 is a takeover by Donald Trump, JD Vance, and their MAGA loyalists that rolls back Americans' rights and freedoms, hurts the middle class, and threatens our democracy," said Senator Alex Padilla. "Simply put, Project 2025 is the most significant attack on our system of government and our personal freedom that has ever been proposed. Shame on the Republican Party. If elected, Trump and his allies will gut checks and balances to give Trump virtually unlimited power, ban abortion nationwide and jeopardize access to contraception and IVF treatments, require a loyalty test - not expertise - to work in his administration, cut Social Security and Medicare, and round up over 10 million immigrants and put them in detention camps."

"This November, Americans are going to be asking themselves whether or not they are better off now than they were four years ago, and whether or not they'll be better off four years from now. Well, in Joe Biden's America, we defend democracy, not diminish it. We restore our rights and protect our freedoms, not take them away. We create opportunities for everyone and make sure the super-wealthy finally pay their fair share. That's been true for the last, past four years, and it will continue to be true for the next four years," saidCongresswoman Joyce Beatty. "That's not Donald Trump's America. In Donald Trump's America, he took away our rights, hurt middle class and made life more expensive, all while benefiting his ultra-rich donors and greedy corporations, and as he pursues his extreme Project 2025 agenda, we know a second Trump term would be worse."

"This year alone, Trump has repeatedly claimed that he won the election right here in Wisconsin in 2020, and we clearly see that he's obsessed with that lie…Not only that, Trump claims that there will be a bloodbath if he loses this election," saidMilwaukee County Executive David Crowley. "He's promised to pardon January 6 rioters who, in an attempt to prevent the peaceful transfer of power, violently attacked our nation's Capitol as part of a mob that killed a police officer. Let's not forget about that. And most worrisome of all, he promises to be a dictator on 'day one,' which reminds me of a line actually, that President Biden likes to say, which is, 'you can't only love your country when you win.' You absolutely can't."

"[Trump will] say the economy was great when he was president, but it wasn't. He's the first president since Hoover to leave office with fewer jobs than when he entered. He'll talk about how much he loves the military and veterans, but he calls them 'suckers' and 'losers' for serving this country, and he did nothing to get them better access to health care. He'll say he'll end Russia's war with Ukraine immediately, sure, but by giving Putin everything he wants and abandoning our allies. He'll talk about securing the border, but he won't talk about how he separated children from their mothers, children that we're still reuniting with their families today," said Biden-Harris 2024 Deputy Campaign Manager Quentin Fulks. "Over the course of the last four days, Republicans have offered their vision for the country, and now it's never been more clear that Americans will face a stark choice, a contrasting vision for this country: the Biden-Harris ticket, who's focused on uniting the country, creating opportunity for everyone, and lowering costs, or the Trump-Vance one, with a harmful agenda of taking away Americans' rights, hurting the middle class and making life more expensive, all while the ultra-wealthy and greedy corporations benefit."