Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media of Ireland

10/03/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/03/2024 03:19

Speech from Mr. Thomas Byrne, 2025 Budget Dáil Éireann, Wednesday 2nd October at 8.30pm

Go raibh maith agat, a Aire.

A Cheann Chomhairle agus a Theachtaí,

Ba mhaith liom labhairt leis an Teach inniu faoin infheistíocht a bheidh a dhéanamh sna h-earnálach Gaeilge, Gaeltachta agus Spórt ag eascair as Cáinfháisnéis 2025.


A Cheann Chomhairle, this year we were treated to an amazing summer of sport, thanks to the incredible performance of Team Ireland, at the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The Government promised to respond to that success with financial support and we have stuck to that promise.

Budget 2025 represents a landmark moment for Irish sport.

2 years ahead of schedule, this Government has more than doubled our investment in sport, compared to 2018 levels.

This fulfils a key commitment under our National Sports Policy 2018-2027 to double investment in sport to more than €220 million by 2027.

I am very glad to confirm that the 2025 allocation for Sport and Recreation amounts to €231 million - which in itself, is a 10% increase on 2024.

Last week, as Deputies will be aware, Minister Martin and I announced the largest-ever investment in sport facilities in the history of the State, with over a quarter of a billion - an unprecedented €256 million - allocated under the Community Sport Facilities Fund.

And this week, we are announcing the largest-ever budget for sport in our State's history.

I can confirm that the overall 2025 allocation being provided to Sport Ireland, which is tasked by the Government with responsibility for the development of sport in Ireland, amounts to €115.16 million.

This substantial allocation will provide sustained funding for the National Governing Bodies of Sport and our Local Sports Partnerships.

In 2018, the total annual core funding for National Governing Bodies and Local Sports Partnerships stood at €16.9 million.

I am proud to say that the figure now stands at €30 million for 2025.

Additional funding to support the delivery of the National Sports Policy is also being provided.

And for the first time, a dedicated Disability in Sport funding stream is being provided to Sport Ireland, to ensure that everyone, of every ability, enjoys the right to participate in sport and physical activity.

As I have noted, the performance of Team Ireland at the Olympics and Paralympics was truly inspiring and made us all proud.

I can confirm that annual high performance funding is being increased by over €1 million, as we continue to ramp up the funding, on the road to the LA Games in 2028.

In addition, the Government has also made provision for continued investment in hosting major international sports events, including the Ryder Cup 2027, and Euro 2028.

I also welcome the announcement by Minister Chambers that changes will be made to the tax exemptions that apply to our national sporting bodies, to facilitate long-term investment for the purposes of future sport infrastructure, and sport equipment needs.

In addition, reform of how donations to sports bodies for capital projects and other sports objectives are treated for tax purposes will also be undertaken, representing a further significant reform for sport.

I can confirm that Department officials will engage with our sporting bodies to see how best these changes can be implemented.

Overall, I am glad to say that Budget 2025 greatly advances our agenda to make Ireland, a Participation Nation.

Physical Education

In relation to my role as the first-ever Minister of State for Physical Education, I am delighted to announce increased funding for the expansion of the Active School Flag programme under Budget 2025.

This increased funding for the Active School Flag Programme will support more schools to get more active, more often and allow for the full roll-out of the programme in post-primary schools.

And I want to thank Minister Foley and the Department of Education for their support in this regard.


Ó thaobh tacaíochta do phobail Ghaeltachta agus don Ghaeilge, léiríonn an Cháinfháisnéis seo tiomantas leanúnach an Rialtais i leith an chrainn taca seo dár bhféiniúlacht náisiúnta agus aonair a dhaingniú.

Tá ardú tagtha ar mhaoiniú do Chlár na Gaeltachta go €106.9 milliún do 2025, ar ardú 6% é sin ar mhaoiniú 2024. Leis seo, tacófar leis an nGaeilge agus déanfar a húsáid mar phríomhtheanga phobail na Gaeltachta a neartú tuilleadh.

I measc na mbeart sonrach dá bhforálfar leis an maoiniú seo, beidh:

• Airgead breise d'Údarás na Gaeltachta chun scéimeanna maoinithe a chothú agus a leathnú agus chun teacht i dtír ar dheiseanna sa gheilleagar glas i gceantair Ghaeltachta;

• Infheistíocht leanúnach chun tacú le seachadadh fhorálacha na Straitéise do na hEalaíona Teangabhunaithe;

• Maoiniú do sheachadadh an Phlean Dhigitigh don Ghaeilge agus do leathadh amach seirbhísí óige leathnaithe sa Ghaeltacht; agus

• Maoiniú méadaithe chun Ionaid Ghaeilge agus Chultúir a fhorbairt ar fud an oileáin ar fad.

I firmly believe the Government's ongoing commitment to Sport, Physical Education and the Gaeltacht has been clearly demonstrated in the increased allocations under Budget 2025.

The funding provided under Budget 2025 will improve our societal wellbeing, physically and mentally, and solidify the importance of the Irish language and Irish speaking communities across the island and beyond.

Go raibh maith agaibh.