Radboud Universiteit

07/05/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/05/2024 01:42

Update number of job profiles

Update number of job profiles

05 July 2024News item

Your job is classified in a so-called job profile. This applies to everyone working at Radboud University. All job profiles are laid down in the university job order system (UFO).

A new version of this university job order system (UFO), UFO 12.0, was introduced on 1 July 2024 by the CAO. The following amendments have been made:

  1. There are textual adjustments of the UFO-profiles 'Administrateur' en 'Beleidsdirecteur'.
  2. A new profile for 'Recruiter' is developed.
  3. For all job profiles, the money amounts mentioned in various UFO profiles have been adjusted due to inflation.

All changes are processed in the automated UFO system. All employees affected by the UFO update will be informed personally. The amended profiles can be found in the automated UFO system. To log in, you need the following data: Username: ru / Login: rufo.

More information (in Dutch)

Next autumn will see UFO update 12.1. This update deals with adaptation of IT functions.

Contact information

Organizational unitHuman Resources
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