City of Tampere

10/01/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/01/2024 05:49

“It is important that every citizen understands the basic principles of digital security and knows how to protect themselves and their information online”

Elämänmittaisia kasvutarinoita, joissa jokainen on tekijä

Opistotarinat avaa Tampereen seudun työväenopiston arkea, ammattiryhmien työtä ja ainealueita. Minkälaista työ ja opiskelu vapaan sivistystyön parissa on? Miten ajankohtaiset ilmiöt näkyvät opistossa?

Author: Opistotarinoita-blogin kirjoittajat

"It is important that every citizen understands the basic principles of digital security and knows how to protect themselves and their information online"

Blog article
1.10.2024 14.25
The Digital and Population Data Services Agency's Digital Security Week from September 30 to October 6, 2024, highlights the importance of cybersecurity and offers practical tips for citizens and organizations to improve their digital and cybersecurity. The goal of The Adult Education Centre of the Tampere region is to promote digital security by offering low-threshold IT courses that also consider individual learning needs.
In addition to teaching security themes, The Adult Education Centre organizes dozens of digital courses annually, categorized by skill level. In addition to group instruction, individual instruction is also available at the Digi Clinic and Web Clinic.

According to Marianne Laakso, an ICT education planner, an individual can improve their digital security by educating themselves and utilizing expert tips.

- It is important to use strong and unique passwords for different services. Two-factor authentication significantly increases security. It is also recommended to keep software and devices up to date, as updates often fix security vulnerabilities. Suspicious emails and links should be approached with caution and avoided.

The Adult Education Centre of the Tampere region's digital security and cybersecurity courses provide comprehensive training on various aspects of digital security. Laakso emphasizes that digital security courses are suitable for anyone interested in the topic, regardless of their previous skill level.

- The courses cover topics such as protecting information, safe internet use, basic principles of cybersecurity, current threats, and creating passwords.

In addition to teaching security themes, The Adult Education Centre organizes dozens of digital courses annually, categorized by skill level. In addition to group instruction, individual instruction is also available at the Digi Clinic and Web Clinic (Digiklinikka and Verkkosivuklinikka), where you can book an appointment for the desired number of teaching hours.

In the future, The Adult Education Centre aims to organize short lectures on current digital security topics and is also considering a digital café that would offer even lower-threshold assistance.

- You can always suggest a course topic or a teaching location where you would like a course to be established, says Laakso.

Training is important as the significance of digital security continues to grow.

- Every citizen should understand the basic principles of digital security and know how to protect themselves and their information online. The courses and training offered by The Adult Education Centre of the Tampere Region are an excellent way to learn these skills and stay up to date as digital security evolves, Laakso states.

Text:Anna-Katariina Maksimoff
Photos:Anna-Katariina Maksimoff
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