U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs

06/21/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/21/2024 18:26

Sen. Moran Speaks on Senate Floor Regarding VA Decisions that are limiting Veterans’ Access to Care

Sen. Moran Speaks on Senate Floor Regarding VA Decisions that are limiting Veterans' Access to Care

Friday, June 21, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (Kan.) - ranking member of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee - spoke on the Senate floor regarding decisions being made at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that limit veterans' access to care.

"For veterans - particularly those in rural states like yours and mine - the ability to get care closer to home can be life-changing and life-saving," said Sen. Moran. "Unfortunately, recently, VA leaders have been taking alarming actions to limit the choices the MISSION Act affords veterans in Kansas and across the country. It is unfathomable that the VA would consider leaving veterans with fewer options to seek the care they need."

Sen. Moran highlighted a veteran from Manhattan, Kansas, who was receiving chemo treatments for cancer from a community care provider. With two treatments left to go, the VA canceled his community care and instead requested him to drive an hour away to Topeka to receive his final chemo treatments at the VA hospital.

"It defies my understanding how the VA expects to limit choices for veterans in the community - in other words, forcing them into a VA direct care system - while, at the same time, working to reduce the staff in that direct care system that are actually available to care for those veterans," continued Sen. Moran. "These actions could cost some veterans their lives and drive other veterans away from the VA healthcare benefits that they've earned and deserve."

Click HERE to Watch Sen. Moran's Full Remarks

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