Arizona Department of Transportation

12/02/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 12/02/2024 10:11

ADOT’s Materials Lab lays the foundation for Arizona’s highways

At the Arizona Department of Transportation's Materials Lab, getting your hands dirty is just part of the job.

Across the state, teams in the central lab and satellite locations are hard at work testing the essential building blocks of Arizona's infrastructure - solids, asphalt, paint, concrete and steel rebar. These raw materials are what keep highways strong and durable, despite the harsh desert summers and freezing winter temperatures in the high-country.

Every material goes through rigorous testing to ensure it can withstand Arizona's extreme climate and heavy traffic demands,

Here are the key divisions of the Materials Group:

Soils and Aggregates: Think of it like building a home. Just like you wouldn't build on sand, a highway needs a solid footing to support the infrastructure that goes on top of it. Engineers test for stability. Without this critical foundation, even the best-built roads could crumble and shift.

Asphalts:Arizona's roads face extreme heat, freezing temperatures and the weight of millions of vehicles, which can cause wear and tear. To combat this, the lab fine-tunes asphalt mixes to create a surface that can withstand heavy traffic and extreme conditions

Structures:For bridges and overpassdes, strength and durability are the key words. The team tests concrete and rebar, pushing each to its limits to ensure it can bear the weight of itself and the vehicles carrying it.

Thanks to the diligent work of ADOTs Materials Lab, Arizona's roadways are built to last, standing strong no matter what Mother Nature or traffic throws their way.