European External Action Service

10/10/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/10/2024 16:10

EU Statement – UN Security Council: Situation in the Middle East

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The Middle East is on the verge of a complete conflagration and the people in the region are more insecure than ever, caught in an unending cycle of violence, hatred, and revenge.

More than one year after the brutal terrorist attack of Hamas on Israel, we reiterate our call for the full implementation of all UN Security Council Resolutions, including 2735, which would lead to an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the release of all hostages, a significant and sustained increase in the flow of humanitarian assistance throughout Gaza, and an enduring ceasefire and end to the crisis, with Israel's security interests and safety for Palestinian civilians assured. We deplore all loss of civilian lives and note with utmost concern the unacceptable number of civilian casualties, especially children, as well as the catastrophic levels of hunger and imminent risk of famine caused by the insufficient entry of aid into Gaza. In exercising its right to defend itself, Israel must fully comply with its obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law, in all circumstances.

No military solution will bring a lasting peaceful future to the people of Israel and Palestine, only a political one based on the two-state solution, with the State of Israel and an independent, democratic, contiguous, sovereign and viable state of Palestine living side-by-side in peace, security and mutual recognition. Just two weeks ago in New York, the EU, Saudi Arabia and Norway as co-chairs launched the Global Alliance on the two-State solution, which rallied a significant number of UN members.

The conflict has now extended to Lebanon with a dangerous cycle of attacks and retaliations which is only fuelling the logic of war in the region. The EU urges all parties to exercise utmost restraint. The territorial integrity and sovereignty of Lebanon must be respected by all parties. Hezbollah's unprovoked firing of rockets and other projectiles into Israeli territory has to stop, now. We also strongly condemn the launch of missiles from Iran against Israel. At the same time, we are deeply alarmed by Israeli strikes in densely populated areas of Lebanon, which have caused a high number of civilian casualties, including women and children, and humanitarian personnel and the destruction of civilian infrastructure

More than one million Lebanese are now displaced, more than 200.000 try to seek refuge in war-torn Syria, and 60,000 Israelis are unable to return home in Northern Israel. We especially deplore the heavy price paid by civilians. Humanitarian assistance must continue to reach those in need unimpededly and at scale; its safe delivery must be possible at any time.

We call or de-escalation and on both parties to immediately implement a ceasefire across the Blue Line and to work towards the full implementation of UN Security Council resolution 1701, in order to ensure the safe return of displaced populations on both sides. We reiterate our strong support for the efforts of France and the United States to achieve a negotiated ceasefire.

We condemn the attacks on UNIFIL peacekeepers on 10 October and all attacks on UN peacekeepers, which is a grave violation of international humanitarian law and of Security Council resolution 1701.We reaffirm our full support to UNIFIL, in which we have a strong EU presence. In the current situation of emergency UNIFIL assumes a fundamental stabilisation role in South Lebanon. Weurge all parties to respect UNIFIL´s presence and to fully uphold their obligations to guarantee the safety and security of UNIFIL personnel at all times.

The EU strongly supports the state institutions of Lebanon, including the Lebanese Armed Forces, which are a key element for the full implementation of UNSC resolution 1701. The EU stands ready to help Lebanon to get out of its political impasse.

A few days ago, the EU adopted assistance measures under the European Peace Facility worth EUR 15 million to support the Lebanese Armed Forces, which brings the total support to EUR 21 million. We also announced a further EUR 40 million in humanitarian aid to help those most in need in Lebanon, bringing our humanitarian assistance to the country to EUR 104 million this year alone. Lastly, we have also launched a humanitarian bridge from Cyprus to support people affected by the ongoing situation in Lebanon. EU Member states also count bilaterally among the largest humanitarian donors worldwide.

Essential steps for stabilization now include the deployment of the Lebanese Army in the South, ensuring that UNIFIL can fulfil its mandate, and organizing an urgent humanitarian conference. In this regard, we welcome the announcement by France of a conference in support of Lebanon.

The EU will continue to work tirelessly to pave the way for diplomacy and de-escalate an extremely dangerous situation for the region.

Thank you.