ERIA - Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia

06/20/2024 | News release | Archived content

ERIA Holds the 17th Governing Board Meeting

ERIA Holds the 17th Governing Board Meeting


20 June 2024




Governing Board

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Jakarta, 20 June 2024: The 17th ERIA Governing Board meeting took place on 20 June 2024 at the ASEAN Secretariat. The Governing Board, ERIA's decision-making body, comprises the Secretary-General of ASEAN and representatives from each of ERIA's 16 member countries. The Board oversees the management of ERIA and approves its operations. Two new members were introduced during this meeting: Dato' Hairil Yahri Yaacob, Secretary General at the Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry of Malaysia, and Dr Puntil Jongjittrakoon, Vice Minister for Commerce at the Ministry of Commerce of Thailand.

In his Welcoming Remarks, H.E. Dr Kao Kim Hourn, Secretary-General of ASEAN, emphasised ASEAN's pivotal role in global trade amid geopolitical tensions, climate crises, and technological shifts. He highlighted the need for ASEAN Member States to maintain a mindset of continuous innovation, anticipating, leveraging, and transforming to grow. Dr Kao underscored ERIA's essential role in providing research and policy recommendations. He outlined three priority areas where ERIA's expertise can be instrumental: advancing trade and investment integration, artificial intelligence (AI), and promoting sustainable technologies, such as the ASEAN Strategy for Carbon Neutrality and the ASEAN Blue Economy Framework.

In his Opening Remarks, Tetsuya Watanabe, President of ERIA, highlighted ERIA's achievements since he assumed the presidency in July 2023. He emphasised ERIA's active engagement in global forums and support for ASEAN Chairmanships, including successful participation in major multilateral forums like the G7 and G20 and strong support for Indonesia's Chairmanship in 2023. ERIA is committed to supporting Lao PDR's ASEAN Chairmanship in several priority areas this year.

President Watanabe noted ERIA's swift adaptation to global changes, aligning its activities with regional needs. Key focuses include digital transformation, energy transition, human resource development, and expanding public health and agriculture efforts. The ERIA Digital Innovation and Sustainable Economy Centre (E-DISC), launched in August 2023, serves as a vital hub for enhancing digital innovation and sustainability, including establishing the ASEAN Technology University Network to advance digital innovation and a sustainable economy in Southeast Asia. ERIA was also tasked with establishing the Asia Zero Emission Centre in Jakarta.

Koji Hachiyama, ERIA's Chief Operating Officer, highlighted the new organisational structure of ERIA to meet growing demands. He reported on ERIA's activities, followed by a presentation of the FY2023 Financial Statement and FY2024 Budget Proposal, which were unanimously approved by all Governing Board members. Presentations by Prof. Fukunari Kimura, Senior Research Fellow of ERIA, and Dr Han Phoumin, ERIA's Senior Energy Economist, provided further background and insights into ERIA's research activities and energy policy programmes, including the Asia Zero Emission (AZE) Centre. Dr Aladdin Rillo, Managing Director for Policy Design and Operations of ERIA, and Prof. Nobuhiro Aizawa, Dean/Managing Director of the ERIA School of Government, also presented their activities and workplans.

Led by the Chairperson of the Governing Board, Ramon M. Lopez, the Governors discussed a wide range of topics, including the digital economy, green economy, energy and environmental issues, trade and sustainability, digital supply chain, resilience, and the enhancement and utilisation of technologies and innovations, especially AI, as well as gender, disability, and social inclusion. The Governors commended ERIA for its critical role in providing policy support and advancing ASEAN's digital transformation and shift to a greener economy. They emphasised that ERIA's support will be crucial in building ASEAN's capacity and providing research-based support for sustainable green economic growth.

Komiyama, a proxy for Sadayuki Sakakibara, the Governing Board member from Japan, announced that the AZEC would be launched in August, aiming to achieve decarbonisation, economic growth, and energy security simultaneously. He highlighted the pivotal role of the AZEC at ERIA in leveraging research results, knowledge, and networks to provide solutions. Additionally, the AZEC advocacy group will be launched in August to promote greater collaboration amongst industry, academia, and government.

Dr Leeboupao mentioned discussions about supporting the ASEAN Chairmanship under Lao PDR for the ASEAN Summit. He also noted that Lao PDR will host the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) and encouraged support for AIPA activities, including capacity building through workshops and seminars, as well as the preparation of research papers.

Photos source: ASEAN Secretariat