CSO - Central Statistics Office Ireland

02/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/07/2024 09:18

Earnings Among Parents in Ireland 2016 & 2022

Female parents in married couples had median weekly earnings 63.2% higher than females in one-parent families in 2022

CSO statistical publication, 02 July 2024, 11am

Key Findings

  • In 2022, females in one-parent families with children accounted for 7.1% of total female employments, while males in one-parent families with children made up 0.7% of total male employments. This was similar to 2016, when females in one-parent families accounted for 7.9% of total female employments and males in one-parent families accounted for 0.7% of total male employments.

  • Median weekly earnings were lowest for employments among one-parent families with children at €491.20 and highest for employments among married couples with children at €911.35.

  • Median weekly earnings among males in married couples were 35.3% higher than among males in one-parent families with children, while females in married couples with children had earnings 63.2% higher than their counterparts in one-parent families.

  • Weekly earnings were higher among males compared with females across all family unit types.

  • In general, the distribution of earnings among males in each family unit type followed a similar trend to the total male population, while a considerably higher proportion of females in one-parent families with children were at the lower end of the distribution, compared with other females.

Statistician's Comment

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (02 July 2024) issued Earnings Among Parents in Ireland for 2016 and 2022.

Commenting on the data, Dr Eimear Heffernan, Statistician in the Earnings Analysis Division, said: "In 2022, females in one-parent families with children accounted for 7.1% of total female employments, while males in one-parent families with children made up 0.7% of total male employments.

Median weekly earnings were lowest for employments among one-parent families with children at €491.20 and highest for employments among married couples with children at €911.35. In 2022, median weekly earnings for employments among parents in married couples with children were 85.5% higher than those among one-parent families. This compares with 91.4% in 2016.

Median weekly earnings among males in married couples with children were 35.3% higher than males in one-parent families with children, while females in married couples with children had earnings 63.2% higher than their counterparts in one-parent families. Weekly earnings were higher among males compared with females across all family unit types.

Earnings Gap

In 2022, the largest earnings gap between female parents in married couples and one-parent families was in the 25-34 years age group where median weekly earnings among females in married couples with children were 102.2% higher than their one-parent counterparts. The disparity in earnings reduced with age, with the smallest gap in the 55-59 years age cohort with females in a married couple with children earning 18.7% more than those in one-parent families.

Earnings Distribution

In general, the distribution of earnings among males in each family unit type followed a similar trend to the total male population, while a considerably higher proportion of females in one-parent families with children were at the lower end of the distribution, compared with other females. In 2022, 15.9% of males in one-parent families had weekly earnings of less than €450 compared with 12.1% of the total male population. In contrast, almost half (49.1%) of females in one-parent families recorded weekly earnings of less than €450, which was considerably higher than the proportion of the total female population in this earnings bracket (26.0%)."

Editor's Note

This release presents statistics on earnings based on administrative data sources. The primary data sources are employee tax data from the Revenue Commissioners and the Census of Population (COP) 2016 and 2022. For the purposes of this publication, the 'population' refers to employments included in the Earnings Analysis Using Administrative Data Sources (EAADS) dataset of relevant reference years, where employees are aged 25 to 59 years, inclusive. In terms of family units with children, the reference person and their partner/spouse were identified by the Census of Population (COP) 2016 and 2022. For the purposes of this publication, the term 'parent' refers to reference persons and their partner/spouse who are aged 25 to 59 years and who have at least one child under the age of 18 normally resident in the family unit, as determined by COP. It is important to note that both partners in a couple may not be the parents of the resident children. Earnings analysis was possible through linkage of these individuals to the Earnings Analysis using Administrative Data Sources (EAADS) dataset for the relevant reference years. The EAADS dataset is created using the Revenue PMOD file. Further information on EAADS methodology is available in the Background Notes.

Headline Table

Proportion of total employments among parents by family unit type, sex and corresponding median weekly earnings, 2022
Family Unit Type Proportion of Total Employments Median Weekly Earnings
Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes
Cohabiting couple with children 5.5 5.4 5.5 802.40 588.05 707.35
Married couple with children 30.7 30.4 30.6 1,085.17 748.50 911.35
One parent family with children 0.7 7.1 3.9 801.83 458.53 491.20
Total EAADS employment population 100.0 100.0 100.0 832.83 678.95 761.05
Source: CSO Ireland, Earnings Analysis using Administrative Data Sources

Earnings by Sex

In 2022, females in one-parent families with children accounted for 7.1% of the total female employments, in contrast to males in one-parent families with children who accounted for 0.7% of the total male employments. In general, the proportion of females and males in both married and cohabiting couples with children were relatively equal.

Median weekly earnings among those in cohabiting couples with children and one-parent families with children were less than the weekly earnings of the total population of the corresponding sexes. The median weekly earnings were lowest among one-parent families with children for both males (€801.83) and females (€458.53) in 2022, while those in married couples with children had the highest weekly earnings (males: €1,085.17, females: €748.50).

Weekly earnings among males tended to be lower among those in cohabiting couples with children in both reference years. This is likely due to the greater proportion of males in this category in younger age groups, compared to males in married couples and one-parent families with children.

Figure 1 - Mean and median weekly earnings by sex, 2022
Mean Weekly EarningsMedian Weekly Earnings

© Central Statistics Office, Ireland

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Distribution of Earnings

As is typical in earnings distributions, a relatively small number of high earners result in a positively skewed earnings distribution of employments in Ireland. In a positively skewed earnings distribution, mean earnings are greater than median earnings as the mean is increased by those higher earners. In such cases median earnings may be a more reflective figure of the average earnings of employments in the economy or sector.

The figure below presents the distribution of employments by weekly earnings, family unit type and sex. It shows that, in general, the distribution of earnings among males in each of the family unit types followed a similar trend to the total male population in 2022. There were, however, a greater proportion of males in married couples with children at the higher end of the distribution, compared to males in cohabiting couples and one-parent families with children.

The distribution of earnings was similar among females in married and cohabiting couples with children and the total female population. A considerably higher proportion of females in one-parent families with children were present at the lower end of the distribution, compared to other females.

Figure 2 - Distribution of earnings by sex, 2022

© Central Statistics Office, Ireland

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Marital Status

Please note: Marital status was self-declared by individuals on Census of Population, 2016 and 2022.

Of the one-parent families with children, over half (57.4%) indicated a marital status of single (never married or never in a same-sex civil partnership) in 2022. This was the only marital status in which the proportion of females (59.2%) was greater than males (40.4%).

Figure 3 - Proportion of one-parent families by sex and marital status, 2016 & 2022

© Central Statistics Office, Ireland

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In 2022, among one-parent families with children, median weekly earnings of females were less than those of males across all marital status categories. Lowest weekly earnings among both males (€728.08) and females (€386.56) were recorded for employments in which the marital status of the employee was single. Median weekly earnings among males in one-parent families with children were relatively equal across the separated (€881.82), divorced (€873.77) and widowed (€865.38) categories, while weekly earnings among females in one-parent families with children who were separated (€576.88) and divorced (€568.42) were similar.

Figure 4 - Median weekly earnings among one-parent families by sex and marital status, 2022

© Central Statistics Office, Ireland

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Table 1 Mean and median weekly earnings among parents by family unit type and sex, 2016 & 2022
Table 1 Mean and median weekly earnings among parents by family unit type and sex, 2016 & 2022
Family Unit Type 2016 2022 Intercensal Change
Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes
Cohabiting couple with children 701.49 524.15 615.17 963.20 713.56 840.02 37.3 36.1 36.6
Married couple with children 1,069.67 691.95 885.45 1,393.14 919.84 1,159.37 30.2 32.9 30.9
One parent family with children 765.53 468.35 491.82 1,028.71 609.02 649.21 34.4 30.0 32.0
Total EAADS employment population 848.89 646.05 747.68 1,081.41 829.62 956.28 27.4 28.4 27.9
Cohabiting couple with children 597.23 436.26 527.93 802.40 588.05 707.35 34.4 34.8 34.0
Married couple with children 842.94 577.00 706.24 1,085.17 748.50 911.35 28.7 29.7 29.0
One parent family with children 631.87 351.25 368.97 801.83 458.53 491.20 26.9 30.5 33.1
Total EAADS employment population 663.85 545.45 606.13 832.83 678.95 761.05 25.5 24.5 25.6
Source: CSO Ireland, Earnings Analysis using Administrative Data Sources

Table 2a Mean weekly earnings among parents by family unit type, sex and economic sector, 2022
Table 2a Mean weekly earnings among parents by family unit type, sex and economic sector, 2022
Economic Sector Cohabiting couple with children Married couple with children One parent family with children Total EAADS employment population
Industry (B-E) 988.27 1,389.12 1,109.78 1,127.25
Construction (F) 859.76 1,076.47 840.30 906.30
Wholesale & retail trade; repair of motor vehicles & motorcycles (G) 806.65 1,155.42 849.56 894.76
Transportation & storage (H) 841.65 1,048.50 843.88 884.02
Accommodation & food services (I) 592.65 665.83 534.75 546.93
Information & communication (J) 1,665.22 2,282.32 1,934.85 1,787.61
Financial, insurance & real estate (K-L) 1,375.24 2,136.45 1,560.01 1,614.40
Professional, scientific & technical activities (M) 1,250.76 1,836.53 1,330.83 1,345.43
Administrative & support services (N) 869.45 1,225.11 817.77 893.29
Public administration & defence (O) 1,051.99 1,289.37 1,117.86 1,131.95
Education (P) 971.94 1,253.43 1,104.41 1,060.95
Human health & social work (Q) 840.33 1,203.31 1,012.00 989.79
Arts, entertainment, recreation & other service activities (R-S) 706.00 1,004.04 616.20 745.33
All Sectors 963.20 1,393.14 1,028.71 1,081.41
Industry (B-E) 848.77 1,117.12 834.33 982.84
Construction (F) 567.24 600.34 563.97 634.93
Wholesale & retail trade; repair of motor vehicles & motorcycles (G) 558.14 697.45 459.74 629.93
Transportation & storage (H) 721.35 816.62 677.54 765.49
Accommodation & food services (I) 395.55 447.14 323.72 420.97
Information & communication (J) 1,388.47 1,671.98 1,308.59 1,476.21
Financial, insurance & real estate (K-L) 969.04 1,238.88 895.08 1,098.61
Professional, scientific & technical activities (M) 910.25 1,100.06 816.38 994.93
Administrative & support services (N) 628.78 796.52 460.82 680.99
Public administration & defence (O) 899.98 1,005.56 910.43 973.31
Education (P) 761.24 924.94 721.17 876.25
Human health & social work (Q) 673.37 856.67 605.56 801.60
Arts, entertainment, recreation & other service activities (R-S) 441.73 540.44 361.93 512.94
All Sectors 713.56 919.84 609.02 829.62
Both Sexes
Industry (B-E) 948.59 1,315.62 906.57 1,084.63
Construction (F) 825.39 1,002.02 692.12 872.57
Wholesale & retail trade; repair of motor vehicles & motorcycles (G) 686.05 951.04 495.44 767.44
Transportation & storage (H) 814.41 999.78 724.22 857.30
Accommodation & food services (I) 476.30 549.95 336.53 483.08
Information & communication (J) 1,556.45 2,083.11 1,432.53 1,671.49
Financial, insurance & real estate (K-L) 1,139.20 1,692.63 955.23 1,345.60
Professional, scientific & technical activities (M) 1,080.14 1,487.44 876.95 1,174.02
Administrative & support services (N) 763.66 1,037.78 494.21 799.40
Public administration & defence (O) 985.52 1,163.43 940.22 1,059.65
Education (P) 807.37 1,003.64 737.13 923.26
Human health & social work (Q) 706.60 936.83 618.12 844.34
Arts, entertainment, recreation & other service activities (R-S) 526.37 718.48 373.33 601.90
All Sectors 840.02 1,159.37 649.21 956.28
Source: CSO Ireland, Earnings Analysis using Administrative Data Sources

Table 2b Median weekly earnings among parents by family unit type, sex and economic sector, 2022
Table 2b Median weekly earnings among parents by family unit type, sex and economic sector, 2022
Economic Sector Cohabiting couple with children Married couple with children One parent family with children Total EAADS employment population
Industry (B-E) 834.53 1,125.48 867.55 891.82
Construction (F) 800.48 919.74 783.14 807.06
Wholesale & retail trade; repair of motor vehicles & motorcycles (G) 686.85 850.00 676.71 688.20
Transportation & storage (H) 753.23 860.77 721.15 756.08
Accommodation & food services (I) 572.78 594.45 482.71 505.80
Information & communication (J) 1,391.23 1,872.22 1,476.50 1,462.69
Financial, insurance & real estate (K-L) 1,118.88 1,694.78 1,114.59 1,228.23
Professional, scientific & technical activities (M) 1,029.52 1,465.86 1,073.47 1,034.21
Administrative & support services (N) 706.78 814.65 682.92 678.93
Public administration & defence (O) 955.77 1,278.09 1,040.56 1,032.58
Education (P) 959.77 1,256.96 1,098.61 1,010.04
Human health & social work (Q) 744.19 943.45 772.50 805.57
Arts, entertainment, recreation & other service activities (R-S) 588.69 731.83 510.53 581.58
All Sectors 802.40 1,085.17 801.83 832.83
Industry (B-E) 699.18 844.71 650.45 770.57
Construction (F) 508.84 500.00 465.53 563.59
Wholesale & retail trade; repair of motor vehicles & motorcycles (G) 463.00 500.54 355.10 498.29
Transportation & storage (H) 645.31 676.22 610.08 671.62
Accommodation & food services (I) 356.56 398.07 262.35 393.30
Information & communication (J) 1,041.72 1,274.45 973.24 1,166.83
Financial, insurance & real estate (K-L) 802.81 967.00 688.01 878.20
Professional, scientific & technical activities (M) 730.77 807.82 599.73 782.49
Administrative & support services (N) 509.96 548.08 323.08 530.66
Public administration & defence (O) 832.25 930.80 831.62 901.57
Education (P) 734.28 886.10 604.92 836.16
Human health & social work (Q) 612.18 782.57 498.06 732.74
Arts, entertainment, recreation & other service activities (R-S) 367.98 407.69 278.32 424.76
All Sectors 588.05 748.50 458.53 678.95
Both Sexes
Industry (B-E) 799.03 1,054.49 701.22 857.73
Construction (F) 771.73 862.41 650.65 780.81
Wholesale & retail trade; repair of motor vehicles & motorcycles (G) 586.80 689.10 375.65 597.93
Transportation & storage (H) 729.78 824.01 637.93 735.86
Accommodation & food services (I) 432.92 472.01 269.26 446.72
Information & communication (J) 1,273.36 1,694.31 1,061.50 1,351.18
Financial, insurance & real estate (K-L) 922.31 1,301.95 724.05 1,018.43
Professional, scientific & technical activities (M) 879.26 1,153.85 648.36 902.43
Administrative & support services (N) 631.68 700.00 357.40 617.90
Public administration & defence (O) 910.69 1,089.41 862.02 970.17
Education (P) 784.81 1,004.68 619.90 879.64
Human health & social work (Q) 641.69 815.23 505.47 748.66
Arts, entertainment, recreation & other service activities (R-S) 423.57 514.13 282.29 480.00
All Sectors 707.35 911.35 491.20 761.05
Source: CSO Ireland, Earnings Analysis using Administrative Data Sources

Table 3a Mean weekly earnings among parents by family unit type, sex and age group, 2022
Table 3a Mean weekly earnings among parents by family unit, sex and age group, 2022
25 - 34 yrs 35 - 44 yrs 45 - 54 yrs 55 - 59 yrs All Ages
Cohabiting couple with children 855.93 983.53 1,050.01 981.16 963.20
Married couple with children 1,062.74 1,340.25 1,487.09 1,423.12 1,393.14
One parent family with children 748.27 976.49 1,121.19 1,140.70 1,028.71
Total EAADS employment population 863.24 1,128.19 1,241.68 1,162.40 1,081.41
Cohabiting couple with children 591.03 745.35 825.87 815.19 713.56
Married couple with children 743.24 919.80 956.88 903.62 919.84
One parent family with children 415.62 586.76 739.89 766.69 609.02
Total EAADS employment population 752.04 870.96 879.99 782.84 829.62
Both Sexes
Cohabiting couple with children 716.95 864.20 948.92 932.12 840.02
Married couple with children 882.09 1,123.32 1,235.17 1,223.62 1,159.37
One parent family with children 434.81 617.96 786.67 839.23 649.21
Total EAADS employment population 808.99 1,000.31 1,060.21 968.53 956.28
Source: CSO Ireland, Earnings Analysis Using Administrative Data Sources

Table 3b Median weekly earnings among parents by family unit type, sex and age group, 2022
Table 3b Median weekly earnings among parents by family unit type, sex and age group, 2022
25 - 34 yrs 35 - 44 yrs 45 - 54 yrs 55 - 59 yrs All Ages
Cohabiting couple with children 750.64 827.62 825.43 766.66 802.40
Married couple with children 877.26 1,076.36 1,146.93 1,057.69 1,085.17
One parent family with children 697.21 793.75 854.54 831.42 801.83
Total EAADS employment population 725.49 886.02 921.79 859.86 832.83
Cohabiting couple with children 518.71 622.87 649.99 633.97 588.05
Married couple with children 651.18 768.25 752.49 697.12 748.50
One parent family with children 322.00 456.61 562.03 587.44 458.53
Total EAADS employment population 656.58 713.28 688.30 625.00 678.95
Both Sexes
Cohabiting couple with children 635.99 735.13 754.94 735.52 707.35
Married couple with children 757.66 914.27 944.68 913.46 911.35
One parent family with children 337.92 484.69 600.83 635.64 491.20
Total EAADS employment population 693.79 805.17 804.90 740.88 761.05
Source: CSO Ireland, Earnings Analysis using Administrative Data Sources

Table 4a Mean weekly earnings among parents by family unit type, sex and highest level of education completed, 2022
Table 4a Mean weekly earnings among parents by family unit type, sex and highest level of education completed, 2022
Highest Level of Education Completed Cohabiting couple with children Married couple with children One parent family with children Total EAADS employment population
Primary 625.20 685.28 608.99 662.40
Lower secondary 712.23 796.12 671.05 775.52
Upper secondary 784.72 962.45 790.93 908.01
Technical/vocational 749.57 887.80 733.99 835.61
Advanced certificate/completed apprenticeship 940.24 1,077.77 956.44 1,035.13
Higher certificate 979.06 1,202.04 951.91 1,119.90
Ordinary batchelor degree/profesional qualification or both 1,158.21 1,423.17 1,273.17 1,333.34
Honours batchelor degree/profesional qualification or both 1,344.27 1,856.90 1,514.87 1,659.06
Postgraduate diploma or degree 1,609.76 2,104.43 1,781.96 1,915.08
Doctorate (Ph.D) 1,776.71 2,253.59 2,067.44 2,079.34
All Levels 963.20 1,393.14 1,028.71 1,081.41
Primary 376.77 417.27 340.27 403.27
Lower secondary 430.71 449.56 365.29 448.18
Upper secondary 517.99 579.51 443.49 565.05
Technical/vocational 513.58 564.10 448.43 549.04
Advanced certificate/completed apprenticeship 539.61 588.32 478.80 583.63
Higher certificate 598.96 656.45 529.66 648.48
Ordinary batchelor degree/profesional qualification or both 773.67 839.93 725.77 832.04
Honours batchelor degree/profesional qualification or both 929.02 1,122.85 925.34 1,074.31
Postgraduate diploma or degree 1,144.31 1,293.72 1,208.87 1,261.55
Doctorate (Ph.D) 1,401.55 1,663.02 1,667.95 1,573.50
All Levels 713.56 919.84 609.02 829.62
Both Sexes
Primary 559.07 612.68 375.11 557.89
Lower secondary 635.23 705.02 411.30 650.03
Upper secondary 664.74 790.49 475.44 728.14
Technical/vocational 613.03 703.09 463.18 657.20
Advanced certificate/completed apprenticeship 817.81 929.17 555.98 875.60
Higher certificate 754.02 890.07 558.63 828.81
Ordinary batchelor degree/profesional qualification or both 953.90 1,129.83 779.28 1,062.95
Honours batchelor degree/profesional qualification or both 1,096.90 1,453.19 984.56 1,325.30
Postgraduate diploma or degree 1,312.96 1,642.34 1,262.48 1,530.17
Doctorate (Ph.D) 1,570.46 1,969.20 1,736.06 1,824.01
All Levels 840.02 1,159.37 649.21 956.28
Source: CSO Ireland, Earnings Analysis using Administrative Data Sources

Table 4b Median weekly earnings among parents by family unit type, sex and highest level of education completed, 2022
Table 4b Median weekly earnings among parents by family unit type, sex and highest level of education completed, 2022
Highest Level of Education Completed Cohabiting couple with children Married couple with children One parent family with children Total EAADS employment population
Primary 608.48 636.67 582.85 626.29
Lower secondary 677.19 735.78 652.67 718.29
Upper secondary 707.02 820.06 699.59 775.99
Technical/vocational 684.86 770.81 682.01 733.54
Advanced certificate/completed apprenticeship 868.68 959.94 854.47 922.04
Higher certificate 853.08 1,018.14 829.61 941.07
Ordinary batchelor degree/profesional qualification or both 1,011.55 1,250.00 1,044.06 1,147.34
Honours batchelor degree/profesional qualification or both 1,163.92 1,519.95 1,247.48 1,366.98
Postgraduate diploma or degree 1,346.15 1,686.12 1,476.92 1,548.63
Doctorate (Ph.D) 1,550.23 1,840.96 1,753.55 1,757.18
All Levels 802.40 1,085.17 801.83 832.83
Primary 353.45 375.23 278.50 361.91
Lower secondary 380.08 404.76 295.98 401.01
Upper secondary 467.28 510.53 353.83 502.72
Technical/vocational 471.29 507.47 376.46 501.44
Advanced certificate/completed apprenticeship 485.84 516.96 392.26 521.17
Higher certificate 525.19 568.34 453.27 571.71
Ordinary batchelor degree/profesional qualification or both 668.78 722.08 623.29 718.79
Honours batchelor degree/profesional qualification or both 818.29 976.97 790.04 938.89
Postgraduate diploma or degree 1,011.99 1,150.97 1,078.82 1,117.09
Doctorate (Ph.D) 1,290.09 1,474.72 1,531.04 1,395.57
All Levels 588.05 748.50 458.53 678.95
Both Sexes
Primary 527.46 556.93 295.13 513.53
Lower secondary 606.53 658.19 321.64 604.67
Upper secondary 608.41 684.50 381.36 637.35
Technical/vocational 565.90 623.79 390.90 590.94
Advanced certificate/completed apprenticeship 761.79 824.98 456.39 780.59
Higher certificate 647.97 736.78 475.77 693.84
Ordinary batchelor degree/profesional qualification or both 813.28 953.82 653.85 885.98
Honours batchelor degree/profesional qualification or both 936.52 1,202.75 826.92 1,096.15
Postgraduate diploma or degree 1,113.87 1,329.78 1,109.92 1,263.21
Doctorate (Ph.D) 1,403.16 1,697.18 1,575.44 1,570.55
All Levels 707.35 911.35 491.20 761.05
Source: CSO Ireland, Earnings Analysis using Administrative Data Sources

Table 5 Mean and median weekly earnings among one parent families by sex and marital status, 2016 & 2022
Table 5 Mean and median weekly earnings among parents in one parent families by sex and marital status, 2016 & 2022
Marital Status 2016 2022 Intercensal Change
Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes
Single 634.51 409.97 421.24 842.70 515.73 537.82 32.8 25.8 27.7
Married (Inc. same-sex civil partnership) 916.47 620.28 667.01 1,197.55 837.52 911.83 30.7 35.0 36.7
Separated 810.37 557.12 582.53 1,146.92 735.15 782.12 41.5 32.0 34.3
Divorced 800.86 531.24 552.16 1,130.98 750.75 788.83 41.2 41.3 42.9
Widowed 877.47 510.45 601.40 1,162.18 683.03 801.28 32.4 33.8 33.2
All Marital Status 765.60 468.35 491.82 1,028.30 608.96 649.21 34.3 30.0 32.0
Single 579.57 310.50 320.51 728.08 386.56 407.88 25.6 24.5 27.3
Married (Inc. same-sex civil partnership) 701.01 492.84 527.57 843.52 664.20 705.78 20.3 34.8 33.8
Separated 661.45 431.39 455.09 881.82 576.88 613.03 33.3 33.7 34.7
Divorced 633.09 400.19 415.99 873.77 568.42 600.00 38.0 42.0 44.2
Widowed 699.52 386.65 456.90 865.38 521.17 587.26 23.7 34.8 28.5
All Marital Status 631.88 351.26 368.97 801.62 458.46 491.20 26.9 30.5 33.1
Source: CSO Ireland, Earnings Analysis using Administrative Data Sources