Government of the Republic of Montenegro

07/12/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Montenegro is a committed and credible ally

The NATO Summit, marking the 75th anniversary of the Alliance, has concluded in Washington, where allies adopted a series of decisions aimed at further strengthening defence and deterrence, providing long-term support to Ukraine, and enhancing global partnerships. Leaders of NATO member states also adopted a Declaration outlining the future development path and priority activities of the Alliance.

The delegation from Montenegro was led by Prime Minister Milojko Spajić. During the three-day summit, the Prime Minister, along with Minister of Foreign Affairs Filip Ivanović and Minister of Defence Dragan Krapović, participated in numerous thematic meetings and held several bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the event.

On the final day of the Summit, Minister Ivanović attended the meeting of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) with leaders from Australia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, and the European Union. They discussed common security threats and further deepening cooperation, emphasising NATO's efforts to strengthen ties with partners in the Indo-Pacific and the European Union to preserve peace and protect the rules-based international order.

Additionally, a NATO-Ukraine Council meeting at the level of heads of state and government was held yesterday, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky joining the session.

The Allies reaffirmed their commitment to supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression and in its foreign policy aspirations. A robust package of practical and political support for Ukraine was adopted, aimed at bringing Ukraine closer to NATO. It was agreed to establish NATO security assistance and training for Ukraine through coordinated efforts by the Alliance, as a pledge for long-term security assistance. Allies also agreed to establish a NATO-Ukraine Joint Analysis, Training, and Education Center in Poland.

Minister Ivanović stated that Montenegro continues to contribute to strengthening unity within the Alliance, emphasising that, in addition to military strength, it is crucial for NATO to be politically strong, united, and prepared to respond to the various and complex challenges of the modern age. He noted that the war in Ukraine has confirmed NATO's significance for broader global security, particularly through strong unity and demonstrated solidarity with partners and among member states. He highlighted that for Montenegro, stability and security in the Western Balkans region are of crucial importance, expressing satisfaction that the strategic significance of this area has been recognised at the Alliance level.

The Minister also stated that the intensified political and practical support from NATO and the EU in the areas of reforms, regional peace, and security contributes to the overall resilience of the region to all challenges, including cyber, hybrid, and other threats faced by the international community. He concluded that Montenegro remains committed to NATO's unity and solidarity in defending freedom and democracy.

The next NATO Summit will be held in 2025 in The Hague, Netherlands.