City of Santa Rosa, CA

11/21/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/21/2024 10:47

New Coming Soon!

The City of Santa Rosa's website is getting an upgrade! We've been hard at work behind the scenes for many months and are finally at the finish line and excited to show the community the finished product.

The last major upgrade to our website was in 2017. Since then, much has changed in the architecture of the central management system (CMS) and service expectations provided by local government websites. Upgrading the City of Santa Rosa website will not only foster a more positive, modern, and cheerful image for the city by utilizing new and brighter colors, updated fonts, and a modern design, but will also provide an updated, more user friendly and news-centric experience for all who access the website including a more responsive and mobile friendly environment.

Launch day/time
The launch day and time is set for Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2024, from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. During this time, you may see webpages start to change to the new design.

Will the launch impact user experience?
The redesign launch will not impact user experience. As you navigate to a webpage that has not been updated, it will remain with the old design and will only update to the new design once you either leave and come back to that page or refresh it, even if the new design is applied while you are on the page.

What if user experience is interrupted or I find an issue with a webpage?
If you experience an interruption in service, or notice issues with a webpage, please utilize the below form to submit your concern, and we will review your submittal and make the necessary updates as needed.


We look forward to sharing the new and improved with our community and can't wait for you to check it out!