City of Baytown, TX

09/10/2024 | News release | Archived content

7300 East Freeway (Interstate 10) - Zoning Map Amendment

Requested Action

The applicant is requesting two actions:

  1. Voluntary Annexation of the subject property and adjacent Thompson Road right-of-way
  2. Zoning Map Amendment to the official zoning map to rezone approximately 20.82 acres from Open space/recreation () to General Commercial () zoning district.


  1. Bryan Carnes

Subject Area

Approximately 3.0 acres generally located south of Interstate Highway 10 (IH 10) and approximately 2200 feet east of Sjolander Road.

Parcel Information

  • Current Use: Vacant
  • Proposed Use: Electrical Supply House
  • Future Land Use Plan: Business Park


The applicant is requesting General Commercial zoning to allow for the development of an electrical supply house.

In 2017, the City annexed land across several areas of the city. When annexation occurred, the land was automatically zoned OR, which is the most restrictive zone for development. Rezoning the property out of OR is necessary to achieve any development proposal.

Typical Zoning Process

Application is submitted

The property owner or their representative submits a formal application and begins the zoning process.

Application is advertised

The zoning request is advertised in accordance with state and local requirements. This typically includes mailing notices to neighbors, posting signs on the property, creating a project Newsflash on the City's website and advertising it in the newspaper.

Public Hearing and Recommendation

Planning and Zoning Commission holds a Public Hearing and votes on a recommendation to City Council. Anyone can sign up to speak at the Public Hearing.

Final Public Hearing & Action

City Council holds the final Public Hearing and votes the final decision. Anyone can sign up to speak at the Public Hearing. This is the final step.

Contact Project Managers

Nathan Dietrich

Assistant Director, City of Baytown

Important Dates

  • 1st Public Hearing (Planning & Zoning Commission) - July 20, 2021 (Meeting Agenda and Minutes)
  • 2nd Public Hearing and Consideration of Recommendation for Zoning Map Amendment (Planning & Zoning Commission) - July 20, 2021 (Meeting Agenda and Minutes)
  • City Council Comment Period Closes - July 29, 2021
  • Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance (City Council) - August 12, 2021 (Meeting Agenda and Minutes)

This application was approved by City Council on August 12th, 2021.