
Elise Stefanik

09/10/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/10/2024 15:05

ICYMI: Stefanik Questions Disgraced Andrew Cuomo on his Role in Death of Thousands of New Yorkers

Washington, D.C. -In case you missed it, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik questioned disgraced former Governor Andrew Cuomo on his role in the deaths of over 15,000 vulnerable New York seniors due to his deadly nursing home executive order during the pandemic at a House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic hearing.

Watch her line of questioning here.

Read a full transcript of her line of questioning below:

Congresswoman Stefanik: Today is long overdue. And just as a reminder for the public tuning in, we are here today on behalf of the over 15,000 vulnerable seniors in nursing homes who died because of Governor Cuomo's fatal executive order on March 25th damning them to this horrible fate, including constituents in my district and every congressional district in New York State. I also want to recognize the families and advocates who have been working tirelessly on behalf of their loved ones amidst this grief who have been smeared, attacked, and denigrated by Governor Cuomo and his most senior aides. Let me begin, first: after months of inquiry and investigation, we now know irrefutably what New Yorkers have known for years, that Governor Cuomo himself and his most senior aides ordered, directed, and executed this deadly executive order counter to CMS and CDC guidance. Our investigation also reveals a bipartisan investigation that the disgraced former Governor and his top aides were caught covering up their culpability and guilt to selfishly save their shredded reputations. I want to start with the March 25th directive. Isn't it correct, former Governor, that Dr. Zucker served as your Commissioner of Health during the COVID crisis?

Former Governor Andrew Cuomo: Yes.

Congresswoman Stefanik: And you have stated and shared that you have great respect for Dr. Zucker's work and professionalism. You have said that in the past. Is that correct?

Former Governor Andrew Cuomo: I don't know if I have used those words, but I'll take your word for it.

Congresswoman Stefanik:Do you have respect for Dr. Zucker and his professionalism?

Former Governor Andrew Cuomo: Yes.

Congresswoman Stefanik: Are you aware that Dr. Zucker testified that the March directive was prompted by a direct request to you, former Governor Cuomo, from the Greater New York Hospital Association? Are you aware of that fact?

Former Governor Andrew Cuomo:I'm not aware of his testimony, no.

Congresswoman Stefanik: Well, that was what he testified to this committee. Dr. Zucker also went on to say, "Greater New York Hospital Association called the Governor and the team. We were all there in a conversation." I also want to add: Are you aware that another staffer at the Department of Health testified that the March 25th order did receive sign off from the Executive Chamber. Are you aware of that fact?

Former Governor Andrew Cuomo: No, I'm aware of the testimony to the exact opposite that you received.

Congresswoman Stefanik: That is incorrect. He said, "Yes, absolutely."

Former Governor Andrew Cuomo: That's not the testimony that I have before me.

Congresswoman Stefanik: The testimony I have before me when he was asked whether the March 25th order was signed off by the Executive Chamber, the answer was, "Yes, absolutely." And on top of that, Dr. Zucker testified that, "Everything goes through the Governor's office." And, by the way, Governor, you and I both know that under your terrible leadership in New York everything does go through the Governor's office. My follow-up is: It wasn't just the directive itself, Governor, it was the cover-up. This investigation found that you, former Governor, and your most senior aides made a deliberate decision to exclude certain COVID-19-related nursing home deaths to hide and undercount the actual mortality rate in nursing homes. And for the public, Governor Cuomo changed the methodology of counting nursing home fatalities to exclude out-of-facility deaths to undercount those. I want to ask you, what period of time were you negotiating for your book deal?

Former Governor Andrew Cuomo: Congresswoman, if there was a fact in what you said, it was there by mistake.

Congresswoman Stefanik: No, I'm asking you a question. What dates did you negotiate for your book deal? That is the question before you today.

Former Governor Andrew Cuomo: I am answering your question that you asked. My testimony says, "During that time did you have any discussions with the Executive Chamber regarding the need for guidance?" … "Not that I recall."

Congresswoman Stefanik: That's not the testimony I'm referring to. "Absolutely," was the answer. Governor, you're throwing your staff under the bus. You are culpable for this. My question to you is: When were you negotiating for your multimillion-dollar advance deal for your book as seniors were dying in nursing homes? That is the question in front of you.

Former Governor Andrew Cuomo: You can't make up facts, Congresswoman. The Attorney General said the exact opposite.

Congresswoman Stefanik: You're the one making up facts. You're the one who undercounted nursing home deaths. You're the one who I want to ask right now: You apologized today, but there are families sitting here-I want you to turn around, look them in the eye, and apologize, which you have failed to do. Will you do it?

Former Governor Andrew Cuomo:Congresswoman, this is not about political theater, it's about giving answers.

Congresswoman Stefanik: No, this is about accountability.

Former Governor Andrew Cuomo: Why did 1.2 million Americans die? Why did more Americans die than any country on the globe? Why did you let the President lie to the people of the United States? Why did you let President Trump lie? I understand you were running for Vice President but you should've stood up for your constituents first.

Congresswoman Stefanik: You're the former governor whose disgraced, under oath. This executive order was under your name. It was counter to CDC and CMS. This is about those seniors, Governor. They deserve to hear from you, in the eye, that you apologized, that you were negotiating for a multi-million dollar book deal. It is a disgrace. There is a reason you are the former Governor of New York State and you will never hold elected office again.
