Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine of Ireland

05/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/16/2024 07:40

Irish Bioeconomy Forum 2.0 (2024 to 2025)

Ireland's first Bioeconomy Action Plan was published in October 2023. Action 1.3 of this Plan details a specific objective to renew the Irish Bioeconomy Forum for the period of the Action Plan (up to 2025) and to develop and implement an annual operational work programme for the group.

DAFM and DECC, as the lead stakeholders for this task, worked to re-establish the Forum in Q1 of 2024. Firstly, all past members of the Forum and Expert Advisory Group were invited to re-join. In addition to inviting previous members, DAFM and DECC sought new members to the Forum and, in February 2024, launch an Expression of Interest .

The first meeting of the renewed Irish Bioeconomy Forum took place in Backweston Laboratory Campus on 04 March 2024. The Forum now comprises 50 members, while the Expert Advisory group is made up of 19 members.

Forum Activities

Following the first meeting of the Forum in March 2024, the Forum is currently in the process of finalising an annual operational work programme.

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