ODOE - Oregon Department of Energy

09/05/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/05/2024 10:02

Grounded Podcast Episode 44 - Harvesting Solar: The Science of Agrivoltaics

September in Oregon means it's prime harvest time for late summer and fall crops across the state. However, as we heard from cherry producers in a previous Grounded episode, Oregon farmers and families are confronting big questions about the future of farming and ranching. There are a lot of challenges, but there are also some exciting opportunities on the horizon from new research and technology. On this episode of Grounded, we explore one such emerging development, known as agrivoltaics.

Agrivoltaics, sometimes called dual-use solar or agrisolar, refers to the practice of integrating agriculture with the production of renewable electricity using solar arrays. The "agri" and the "voltaics" have to be joined so the two are not in conflict, and so the land can still be managed, crops or livestock can flourish, and there are mutual benefits to farmers and rural communities. Researchers at Oregon State University are finding ways for this to all work at scale, and to help meet Oregon's renewable energy goals.

Grounded host Bryan Hockaday meets OSU Assistant Professor Chad Higgins and takes listeners on a tour of a solar research farm outside of Wilsonville. On the farm, they're fine tuning the practice of agrivoltaics and experimenting with what crops respond best to integrated solar electricity production. We also hear from retired ranchers who ask important questions about how adding solar arrays affects daily farming operations and the long-term value of agricultural lands.


Grounded theme music by Oregon artist, Jana Cushman.