DCCC - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

24/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 24/07/2024 18:20

BAD NEWS, BAUGH: Dave Min More than Doubles Scott Baugh’s Fundraising, Outraises Republican Second Quarter in a Row

Even before Democrats broke 24-hour fundraising records this week, Dave Min not only outraised extreme Republican Scott Baugh once again, but also more than doubled his challenger's fundraising in the second quarter of 2024, bringing in $1.38 million compared to Baugh's $542,271.

In a striking demonstration of grassroots enthusiasm, Min's campaign brought in that $1.38 million from more than 7,500 donors, with an impressive 88% of these contributions coming in under $100.

Orange County has already rejected Scott Baugh's self-serving, corrupt politics after he oversaw an organization that changed as many as 600 Orange County residents' voter registration to 'Republican' without their consent and was accused of helping manipulate his own election results - for which Baugh faced over 20 criminal charges, including four felonies.

Dave Min, meanwhile, has been a consistent champion and problem solver for Orange County families. Min's legislative accomplishments for families across the district and fundraising prowess in the second quarter confirms he is the right person to defeat Baugh's MAGA extremism and work across the aisle to fight and deliver for his community.

DCCC Spokesperson Dan Gottlieb:
"Dave's momentum proves that California voters trust him to be an honest, transparent representative who will get things done in Congress - and that criminally-indicted Scott Baugh is nothing more than an extreme MAGA pawn. While Dave has spent years serving his community in the state legislature, criminally-indicted Scott Baugh's record is a threat to Orange County families."