Paul A. Gosar

09/08/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/08/2024 09:10

This Week With Gosar

September 8, 2024

Report: Violent Crime Continues to Surge as Border Invasion Rages

It was another week of horrific and heartbreaking news reports of violent crimes committed by the illegal aliens pouring across our southern border, destroying communities, wrecking families and straining local law enforcement officials.The latest gut-wrenching story occurred this week in Louisiana when an illegal alien from Honduras was arrested for kidnapping and raping a 13-year old girl. If that wasn't sick enough, this week an illegal alien from Haiti was arrested in Massachusetts for raping a 15-year-old girl. I previously wrote about how Biden and Harris have been flying as many as 30,000 illegals into our country each month. It turns out that this scum bag was flown into the United States on an Air Biden-Harris migrant flight last year.

My friend and colleague, Texas Representative Chip Roy released an exclusive report this week detailing how the Biden-Harris border invasion is destroying America. I encourage everyone to read it by clicking here.The report further details the personal toll the invasion has taken on everyday Americans, highlighting the tragic killings of Jocelyn Nungaray, Laken Riley and others, including those I noted above, at the hands of illegal aliens.

With more than 13 million lawbreakers welcomed into our country in the past three and half years, Joe Biden and Border Czar Kamala Harris are responsible for these horrific crimes."Radical progressive Democrats have caused the worst border crisis in recent history, and the flames have spread to almost every state and locality in the nation," notes Representative Roy in his report. "This crisis is rooted in a fundamental desire to remake and cement one-party rule built on dependence on the state." I agree.

As I have stated several times, Republicans in the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act, a tough border security bill last May, but Senator Schumer, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris refuse to support it. H.R. 2 forces the Biden administration to restart construction of the border wall, deploys technology to the southern and northern border, increases the number of Border Patrol agents and provides bonus pay, ends catch and release and halts the abuse of executive immigration authority. H.R. 2 would reimplement President Trump's successful border policies and put an end to Biden's border invasion.

Democrats in Congress have a long history of voting in favor of advancing the Biden-Harris open border policies:

As noted, In May 2023, 211 Democrats voted against H.R. 2 which is the strongest border security bill in American history and would have ended the Biden border crisis.

In July 2023, 201 Democratsvoted against a bill to prohibit public elementary schools from being used to house illegal immigrants.

In September 2023, 208 Democratsvoted against a bill to prioritize investments to secure the border, protect CBP agents and officers on the frontline, and remove dangerous criminals from our homeland.

In November 2023, 203 Democratsvoted against prohibiting funds from being used to provide housing for illegal immigrants on federal lands.

In January 2024, 154 Democratsvoted against imposing criminal penalties on individuals who evade US border patrol agents.

In January 2024, 187 Democratsvoted against a resolution urging Joe Biden to end his failed Far Left Democrat open borders agenda.

In February 2024, 150 Democratsvoted against deporting convicted illegal immigrants who have committed an offense while driving under the influence.

In March 2024, 170 Democratsvoted against requiring the DHS to take into custody illegal immigrants being charged with, arrested for, or convicted of theft offenses.

In May 2024, 148 Democratsvoted against a bill to detain and deport illegal immigrants who assault law enforcement officers.

In June 2024, 197 Democratsvoted against a bill to fund the security of our homeland.

Why, you ask? Because they are addicted to power, don't give a damn about you, and want tens of millions of illegal aliens to vote in our elections.

Take My Poll: Should Congress Support the SAVE Act?

Speaking of illegal aliens voting in our elections, this week the House Republicans unveiled a spending bill, known as a continuing resolution or CR, that would fund the federal government through next March and avoids a government shutdown. Included in the CR is the SAVE Act, legislation I discussed at length in last week's newsletter that would amend current lawto require states to obtain documentary proof of United States citizenship when registering an individual to vote in a federal election, including for mail-in voting. Wait, you say you didn't read last week's newsletter? What the…??? Why not? Don't worry, click hereto get quickly caught up. Pro tip: if you want to stay informed without all the liberal bull, you need to read my weekly newsletter.

I want to hear from you! Polls show that voters are overwhelmingly concerned about the integrity of elections, and rightfully so. With 13 million lawbreakers pouring across Border Czar Kamala Harris' open border, the SAVE Act is a crucial step towards ensuring our elections are fair and honest. Unfortunately, most Democrats in Congress and RINO Senator Mitch McConnell are pressuring Republicans to drop the SAVE Act from the CR.

What do you think? Should the House Republicans vote to include the SAVE Act in the funding bill when Congress returns to Washington, D.C. next week? Let me know your thoughts by clicking here to take my poll! I will share the results in next week's newsletter.

REMINDER: Registration Open for Congressional App Challenge

Registration is underway for the 2024 Congressional App Challenge.The competition is open to all middle school and high school students who live in Arizona's Ninth Congressional District.

The annual competition is designed to encourage student participation in computer science and coding. Students can register for the 2024 competition by clicking HEREand begin coding their apps. The competition deadline is October 24.

Judging begins October 28 and winners will be announced on November 22. Officially launched by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2015, this nationwide effort allows students to compete with their peers by creating an application or "app," for mobile, tablet, or computer devices.

The winner from the Ninth Congressional District, chosen by a panel of expert judges, will be featured on, and the winning app also will be on display at the U.S. Capitol, honoring the winners from across the country.

For more information or questions, visit the official Congressional App Challenge websiteor email my District Director, Penny Pew at [email protected].

Reminder: You're Invited to Attend My Social Security Roundtable

You asked for it so it's back by popular demand! The turnout and response to my previous Social Security roundtable was so tremendous that I've added another one in Bullhead City next Friday, September 13th.Details are in the flyer above. ☝☝ I look forward to seeing you there!

It's Mail Time!

I receive thousands of letters each week from constituents, and I appreciate hearing from everyone who writes me, even those who disagree. Here are a few letters I received this week:

Rita H. from Parker, AZ writes:

Yes, yes, yes on SAVE Act. Proof of citizenship to vote. Yes, attach the SAVE Act to the budget or close the government down.

Rita, no need to take my poll (above)! I hear you loud and clear: I will put you down as YES for the SAVE Act.

Mike S. from Gold Canyon, AZ shares:

Congressman: I encourage you to apply whatever means necessary to have any continuing resolution bill include the wording that only citizens can vote in national elections. I agree with President Trump. This issue is a hill to die on, even if a government shutdown occurs. I fear that AZ is already lost due to control of the election process by Maricopa County. Congress needs to step up.

Mike, you can count on it! I support including the SAVE Act in the continuing resolution. As I noted in a previous newsletterDemocrats like to argue that it is illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections. But it is also illegal to cross the border and evade Border Patrol but that hasn't stopped more than 13 million lawbreakers from crossing Biden's open southern border.The truth is that most states permit illegal migrants to receive driver's licenses, allowing them to access voter registration materials. Nearly 80% of voters oppose illegal migrants voting in any U.S. election yet Democrats oppose common-sense legislation requiring individuals to show proof of American citizenship to vote in elections. The SAVE Act will increase public trust and confidence in American elections, which results in higher voter turnout. It must be passed.

Brenda M. from Phoenix shares these kind words:

I just wanted to say I love you, am proud of you and GREATLY appreciate all your hard work and dedication to saving and protecting our great country and Constitution.

I am praying for you and ALL those "warriors for Jesus" who are fighting the good fight against so much evil corruption in our Federal and State governments. May God strengthen and protect you and your families and give you His divine wisdom and discernment, in Jesus' name!

We must turn the United States of America back to "One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." We cannot do it without God's divine intervention and in order for that blessing from God, Americans need to humble themselves before God, repent, ask for forgiveness and sincerely declare that Jesus IS LORD! This is my prayer and I know it is yours too!

You are a wonderful, AWESOME human being Mr. Gosar, my dear brother in Jesus Christ! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for staying in the fight for America and Arizona!

Dear Brenda, the Bible emphasizes the importance of praying for elected officials and I find great strength in your prayers and this verse in particular:

"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people- for all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

1 Timothy 2:1-2

I don't easily blush, but you got me this time. I deeply appreciate your thoughtful words. More importantly, I appreciate your prayers.

Tweet of the Week:

Photo of the Week:

Emily Carlascio from Cottonwood, AZ shares this photo of an amazing sunset she recently snapped. Gorgeous. Thanks so much, Emily.

Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our "Picture of the Week?"If so, send your best shots along with a brief description to [email protected]. Remember to include your name and where you live.

Gosar in the News and Other Must-Read Stories:

Gateway Pundit: Speaker Mike Johnson Weighs Adding SAVE Act to Spending Bill After Trump's Request - Mitch McConnell Must be Furious

New York Post: Kamala Harris insults Americans with her dishonest flip-flops

Washington Examiner: Trump calls for eliminating 10 regulations for every new one

Daily Caller: EXCLUSIVE: Chip Roy Unveils Devastation Of Border Crisis Under Biden-Harris Admin In New Report

Daily Wire: Illegal Immigrant Arrested After Allegedly Kidnapping, Raping 13-Year-Old Girl

National Pulse: Another Haitian Imported on Biden-Harris Migrant Flights Accused of Child Molestation.

Fox News: Harris economy will spike your taxes by $1,100 and make America's working class suffer

Warning!! The Gosar Weekly Newsletter is meant for discerning readers with above average intelligence. We link to interesting stories. We get stories a couple different ways: Google alerts, a third-party aggregator and sometimes readers send stuff. We don't vouch for every publication or every author. If we link to a story, it is because of that story. The views expressed in any of the publications do not represent any promotion, endorsement or reflection of Congressman Gosar's views. While we try our best, we cannot guarantee every news organization spouting hatred, animosity or divisiveness will be filtered from appearing in the Gosar Weekly Newsletter. We will endeavor to prevent that from happening by never linking to Fake News organizations including CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Rolling Stone, the Arizona Republic, the Arizona Mirror, Media Matters or the New Republic.