Weltrend Semiconductor Inc.

07/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/23/2024 19:01

Weltrend’s Original Cash Dividend Distribution Date of July 26, 2024 will be Postponed by One Business Day if Typhoon Day was Put into Effective

Today's Information

Provided by: Weltrend Semiconductor, Inc.
SEQ_NO 1 Date of announcement 2024/07/24 Time of announcement 09:00:16
 Weltrend's Original Cash Dividend Distribution
Date of July 26, 2024 will be Postponed by One Business
Day if Typhoon Day was Put into Effective
Date of events 2024/07/24 To which item it meets paragraph 14
1.Date of the resolution by the board of directors or
decision by the Company:2024/07/24
2.Original cash dividend distribution date:2024/07/26
3.Cash dividend distribution date after the change:2024/07/29
4.Reason for the change: Weltrend's original cash dividend distribution
date was July 26, 2024 for shareholders who elect to receive the payments
by wire. However,if typhoon day was put into effective due to the incoming
Typhoon Gaemi and causes the wire transfer task to be postponed by one
business day, the cash dividend distribution date will be postponed to
July 29, 2024.
5.Any other matters that need to be specified:If there is no typhoon day,
the cash dividend distribution will be carried out as is on July 26, 2024.