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10/07/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/07/2024 08:54

PowerShell Delete File: How to Use the Remove-Item Command

Brief overview of Remove-Item cmdlet

Managing files and directories is a common task in computing, especially in the Windows PowerShell environment. The Remove-Item in PowerShell is a key cmdlet for deleting files and directories, as well as other types of items in PowerShell. Remove-Item can be used for local file systems as well as other PowerShell providers like the Registry, Certificate Store, and Environment variables. Remove-Item can also accept input from other cmdlets through the pipeline, enabling more dynamic operations and automation of file management tasks. It is important to note that by default, items deleted with Remove-Item are permanently removed from the system and not sent to the Recycle Bin. It is important to be certain about actions when using this cmdlet.

Importance and common use cases

The Remove-Item cmdlet in PowerShell is important for keeping systems organized and ensuring they run smoothly. It is crucial for effective file and directory management, allowing users to clean up unnecessary files and free up disk space. In scripting and automation, it helps streamline workflows by enabling the removal of outdated or temporary files without manual intervention. The PowerShell Remove-Item cmdlet is useful for regular maintenance tasks, such as cleaning up log files or temporary folders that accumulate over time.

Common Use Cases

Below are some common use cases for using the Remove-Item command:

  • Deleting Temporary Files: Regularly removing temporary files to maintain system performance.
  • Cleaning Up Old Backups: Automatically deleting old backup files to save space.
  • Batch Deletion: Removing multiple files with a specific extension.
  • Removing Empty Directories: Cleaning up empty folders in a directory structure.
  • Registry Key Cleanup: Deleting specific registry keys that are no longer needed.
  • Deployment Scripts: In deployment scripts, removing old versions of applications before installing new ones.

Supported providers and item types

The Remove-Item PowerShell command supports variety of providers and item types. Primarily, it is used within file systems to delete files and folders, but its functionality extends beyond just the file system. It can also delete registry keys and entries. This is useful for cleaning up or modifying system configurations. Though less commonly used for this purpose, Remove-Item can work with other PowerShell providers, allowing for the deletion of items such as variables and aliases.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for Remove-Item is as follows.

Remove-Item [-Path] <_string5b_5d_> [-Force] [-Recurse] [-LiteralPath <_string5b_5d_>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [-ErrorAction ] [-WarningAction ] [-InformationAction ] [-InformationVariable ] []

Below is an example of cmdlet with common parameters.

Remove-Item -Path C:\Backups\Design.txt -Force -Recurse -WhatIf

Explanation of parameters

The following are the most common parameters used with Remove-Item cmdlet:

-Path Specifies the path to the items that you want to remove. This parameter accepts wildcard characters, allowing for pattern matching. The path element can mean either absolute or relative.
-LiteralPath Similar to -Path, but treats the path exactly as specified, without interpreting wildcards.
-Force This is a remove item cmdlet that is used to force a command to remove items that cannot otherwise be deleted. For example, this can include hidden or read-only files or items with child items that are not empty. Use this parameter with caution, as it can result in data loss.
-Include Specifies only the items that match the specified pattern or type of item to be removed. This works in conjunction with the -Path parameter to filter out items within the path.
-Exclude Specifies items that should not be removed. This is used to exclude certain items from the operation based on the pattern provided.
-Recurse If the item being removed is a directory, this parameter will ensure that all its child items are also removed. Without this parameter, the command will not delete directories that are not empty.
-WhatIf This is a safety parameter that shows what would happen if the cmdlet ran, without performing the deletion. It is useful for verifying what will be deleted before committing to the action.
-Confirm Prompts you for confirmation before executing the cmdlet. This can be a useful safety check to prevent accidental deletion of important items.
-Credential Allows you to specify a user account with permission to perform the deletion, if necessary.
-Stream This parameter is used to delete alternate data streams (ADS) from files and folders.

How to find and copy full paths using File Explorer

You can find full paths of files and folders using File Explorer in Windows. It can be useful when you need to reference files and folders in applications, scripts, or in PowerShell cmdlets. Follow the steps below to find the path of files and folders.

  1. Open File Explorer, navigate to the folder containing the file or folder for which you want the full path.
  2. Once you are in the desired folder, click on the address bar at the top of File Explorer. This will highlight the full path.
  3. Right-click the highlighted path and select "Copy" from the context menu to copy the full path to your clipboard.
  4. If you need the full path of a specific file, type the file name with extension at the end of the path in the address bar to complete it e.g., "C:\Backup\Design.txt".

Basic file deletion

How to delete a single file

To delete a single file using PowerShell by Remove-Item, follow the below steps.

Open PowerShell, type the "Remove-Item" cmdlet followed by the "-Path" parameter and the full path of the file you want to delete. The basic cmdlet will be as follows.

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Backup\Report.txt"

How to delete a specific folder

To delete a specific folder, follow the cmdlet below.

To delete a folder named "OldProjects" located in "C:\Backups, the command would be.

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Backups\OldProjects"

Deleting multiple files and folders

Deleting a folder and all its contents

To delete a folder and all its contents, you will need to use the "-Recurse" parameter to ensure that the folder, along with all its files and subfolders, is deleted. Without this parameter, cmdlet will not delete the folder if it contains files or other folders. You can use the below example cmdlet.

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Backups\OldDocuments" -Recurse

Deleting multiple files and folders

To delete multiple files and folders you can use wildcards for file types or names or specify multiple paths. Below are some examples.

Deleting multiple files in a directory

If you want to delete all files of a specific type within a directory, you can use a wildcard (*) with the file extension. For example, to delete all ".txt" files in a specific folder, you can use below cmdlet.

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Backups\OldDocuments\*.txt"

Deleting files of multiple types

To delete files of different types within a directory, you can execute multiple "Remove-Item" commands or use PowerShell's ability to accept an array of strings for the "-Path" parameter. However, combining multiple wildcard patterns directly in one command is not supported in the "-Path" parameter. You can handle this by using "Get-ChildItem" with piping it to Remove-Item. For example, to delete ".txt" and ".log" files in a directory, use the below example cmdlet.

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Backups\OldDocuments\*.*" -Include *.txt, *.log | Remove-Item

Deleting specific multiple files

To delete multiple specific files, you can list multiple paths separated by commas using the delete file PowerShell command.

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Backups\OldDocuments\Design.txt", "C:\Backups\OldBackups\Backup_20_09_2024.bak"

Using wildcards to delete multiple files

To use wildcards for deleting multiple files you can use the asterisk (*) symbol in your command. The asterisk serves as a wildcard character that can represent any number of characters in a file name, allowing you to target multiple files at once based on naming patterns. Below is an example.

You can delete files using PowerShell that start with a certain name or contain a specific pattern. For example, to delete files that start with "Report" regardless of their file extension.

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Backups\OldDocuments\Report*"

Including specific file types and excluding others

The -Include and -Exclude parameters can be very useful when using the Remove-Item cmdlet in PowerShell to filter the files and folders you want to delete.

-Include Parameter

This parameter allows you to specify patterns for items to include in the operation. It is used together with the -Path parameter.

To delete all .txt files in a folder while excluding all other files, use below cmdlet.

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Backup\*" -Include "*.txt"

-Exclude Parameter

This parameter allows you to specify patterns for items to exclude from the operation.

To delete all files in a folder but exclude .txt files, use the below cmdlet.

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Backup\*" -Exclude "*.txt"

Deleting read-only and hidden files

To delete read-only and hidden files, you will need to use -Force parameter, which allows cmdlet to override restrictions that would normally prevent an item from being deleted, such as read-only or hidden attributes. You can use the below example cmdlet.

To delete a single file

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Backups\Design.txt" -Force

To delete multiple read-only or hidden files within a directory, you can use wildcard

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Backups\*.txt" -Force

You can also use Get-ChildItem cmdlet to first get all read-only files and hidden files in a specific directory, and then use Remove-Item with -Force parameter to delete them. Below are some examples.

To delete all read only files

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Backups" -File -Attributes ReadOnly | Remove-Item -Force

To delete all hidden files in a directory

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Backups" -File -Attributes Hidden | Remove-Item -Force

Deleting both read-only and hidden files

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Backups" -File -Attributes ReadOnly,Hidden | Remove-Item -Force

Using -Recurse to delete files and subfolders

To delete files and subfolders within a specified directory, you can use the -Recurse parameter. This parameter removes the item and all its children recursively. It's particularly useful when you want to clear a directory and of all its contents, including all nested files and subdirectories. Below are some examples.

Delete All Files and Subfolders in a Directory

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Backups\*" -Recurse

If some of the items are read-only or hidden, you can add the -Force parameter.

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Backups\*" -Recurse -Force

Deleting files with special characters

Deleting files with special characters in their names can sometimes be tricky, as special characters might be interpreted differently by PowerShell or require special handling. Below are some examples.

Quoting the path

If the filename contains spaces or special characters such as (&, $, #, (), []), enclose the path in quotes. This is the simplest way to ensure that PowerShell treats the entire string as the path.

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Backups\Design(1).txt"

Wildcards for Matching Special Characters

If you are having trouble specifying a file directly, or if it has a complex name with many special characters, you can use wildcard (*) to match the file without typing out the full name. For example, if you have a file name as "@#Name(1).txt", your cmdlet will be as below.

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Backups\*Name*.txt"

Removing alternate data streams

Alternate data streams (ADS) allow files to contain more than one stream of data. This feature is specific to NTFS file systems and can be used to store additional information in a file without affecting its primary content, which could be misused for hiding malicious data. To remove an alternate data stream from a file, you need to specify the path to the file, including the stream name. The syntax for specifying an alternate data stream is "filename:streamname".

Identify Alternate Data Streams

You need to identify what alternate data streams are attached to a file. You can use the below cmdlet with the -Stream parameter for this purpose.

Get-Item -Path "C:\Backups\Design.txt" -Stream *

Remove an Alternate Data Stream

Once you know the name of the stream you want to remove, you can use "Remove-Item" to delete it. Suppose the file "Design.txt" has an alternate data stream named "hiddenstream", and you want to remove it. You can use the below cmdlet including the -Stream parameter, which will only delete the stream without deleting the file.

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Backups\Design.txt" -Stream hiddenstream

Deleting files based on conditions

Deleting files based on specific conditions can help you manage and automate the cleanup of directories. Conditions can be based on a variety of file attributes, such as creation date, modification date, size, name pattern, etc. Below are some example cmdlets.

Deleting files older than a specific date

To delete files older than a specific date, you can use the "Get-ChildItem" cmdlet to list all the files in the target directory, filter them with "Where-Object" based on their last write time, and then use "Remove-Item" to delete those files.

$DateLimit = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Backups\" -File | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt $DateLimit } | Remove-Item

This command will permanently delete files. It is a good practice to first run the command without "| Remove-Item" to see which files would be deleted.

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Backups\" -File | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt $DateLimit }

Deleting files larger than a specific size

To delete files larger than a specific size, you can leverage the Get-ChildItem cmdlet, filter the results with the "Where-Object" cmdlet based on their size, and then delete them using Remove-Item.

$SizeLimit = 5MB

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Backups\" -File -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Length -gt $SizeLimit } | Remove-Item

It is a good practice to first run the command without "| Remove-Item" to see which files would be deleted.

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Backups\" -File -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Length -gt $SizeLimit }

Deleting files based on attributes (read-only, hidden)

You can delete files based on their attributes, such as read-only or hidden, using the combination of Get-ChildItem, Where-Object for filtering files by their attributes, and then delete using Remove-Item. It is important to note that attempting to delete read-only files will result in an error unless you use the -Force parameter.

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Backups\" -File | Where-Object { $_.Attributes -match "ReadOnly" } | Remove-Item -Force

You can also filter the results directly by using -Attributes parameter in Get-ChildItem with value as read only.

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Backups\" -File -Attributes ReadOnly | Remove-Item -Force

Hidden files can be removed in a similar manner.

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Backups\" -File | Where-Object { $_.Attributes -match "Hidden" } | Remove-Item -Force

Alternatively, you can delete by specifying -Attributes parameter.

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Backups\" -File -Attributes Hidden | Remove-Item -Force

Delete all empty folders in a directory

you can use the Get-ChildItem cmdlet to find the empty folders and then use the delete them using Remove-Item.

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Backups\" -Directory -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.GetFileSystemInfos().Count -eq 0 } | Remove-Item -Force

To see which empty folders would be deleted before actually removing them, replace Remove-Item -Force with Select-Object FullName.

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Backups\" -Directory -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.GetFileSystemInfos().Count -eq 0 } | Select-Object FullName
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Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

Remove-Item is a powerful way to delete files and directories, but like any powerful tool, it requires careful handling to avoid unintended consequences. Below are some best practices and common pitfalls when using the delete files item path.

Best Practices

  • Before executing command that could potentially delete important files or directories, append the -WhatIf parameter. This will simulate the command without actually performing the deletion, showing you what would be affected.
  • For an extra layer of protection, especially when running scripts or commands that delete items in bulk, use the -Confirm parameter. PowerShell will prompt you to confirm each deletion, preventing accidental loss of data.
  • To avoid deleting the wrong files or directories, specify the full path to the item you are removing. This helps ensure that the command targets only the intended items.
  • The -Recurse parameter is extremely useful for deleting directories and their contents, but it can also lead to data loss if not used carefully. Always review which items will be deleted, either by listing them first with Get-ChildItem or by using -WhatIf with your Remove-Item command.
  • Use -ErrorAction to specify how PowerShell should handle errors encountered during deletion. In scripts, consider wrapping Remove-Item commands in try/catch blocks to manage exceptions more effectively.
  • Before running a deletion command that affects a significant number of files or critical data, ensure that you have up-to-date backups.
  • When writing scripts that include Remove-Item, document your code thoroughly. Explain why items are being deleted and any specific considerations you have put in place.
  • Periodically review and audit scripts and commands that perform deletions to ensure they still meet current needs and adhere to best practices.
  • When scripting bulk deletions, test in a non-production environment first to avoid accidental data loss.

Common Pitfalls

  • While wildcards (*) allowing you to target multiple files or directories at once, they can also increase the risk of deleting unintended items. Use them carefully and always review which items will be affected.
  • By default, Remove-Item will not delete read-only and hidden files unless you use the -Force parameter.
  • Attempting to delete files or directories without sufficient permissions can result in errors. Running PowerShell as an administrator can resolve some of these issues.
  • NTFS file systems support features like alternate data streams, which can be overlooked during deletion. Make sure that you include -Stream parameter where you suspect there could be alternate streams.

Using -WhatIf and -Confirm for safe deletion

When it comes to using Remove-Item in for deleting files or directories, -WhatIf and -Confirm parameters can significantly enhance the safety of your operations. These parameters can help prevent accidental deletions by providing a preview of the action or prompting for confirmation before proceeding.


The -WhatIf parameter simulates the execution of the command without actually making any changes.

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Backups\Design.txt" -WhatIf


The -Confirm parameter prompts you to confirm each deletion before it happens.

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Backups\Design.txt" -Confirm

Handling common errors (Access Denied, File Not Found)

You might encounter common errors like "Access Denied" or "File Not Found", when using Remove-Item cmdlet.

Access Denied Errors

This error occurs when you do not have the required permissions in PowerShell to delete a file or directory.

  • The -Force parameter can sometimes overcome this error by allowing the deletion of read-only files, but it won't override security permissions.
  • If -Force doesn't work, you may need to manually adjust the file or directory permissions. You can change permissions via the file or folder properties in Windows Explorer or using PowerShell cmdlets like "Set-Acl".
  • Running your PowerShell session with elevated permissions (as an administrator) can help bypass "Access Denied" errors for files that require higher privileges to delete.

File Not Found Errors

This error occurs if the path specified in Remove-Item does not exist.

  • First, ensure the path you're trying to delete actually exists. Typos or incorrect path specifications are common sources of this error.
  • Before attempting to delete, use "Test-Path" to check if the file or directory exists. This can prevent the error from occurring.
if (Test-Path "C:\Backups\Design.txt") {

    Remove-Item -Path "C:\ Backups\Design.txt"

} else {

    Write-Host "File not found."

  • You can suppress the error message by using "-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", which is useful in scripts where a missing file isn't considered a critical failure.
Remove-Item -Path "C:\ Backups\Design.txt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
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Real-world scenarios

Cleaning Up Temporary Files

Use the below cmdlet to delete files in the "C:\Temp" directory.

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Temp\* -Recurse | Remove-Item -WhatIf

As we have used the -WhatIf parameter, this cmdlet will show the output as below, remove the -WhatIf and run the cmdlet again to delete all files in temp directory.

Archiving and Deleting Old Logs

Move ".log" files from one location to another, that are older than 30 days, then delete logs older than 90 days from the archive.

$sourcePath = "C:\Backups"

$archivePath = "C:\ArchivedLogs"

Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath\*.log -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30) } | ForEach-Object {

Move-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $archivePath -WhatIf


Review the action with "-WhatIf", then remove "-WhatIf" to proceed.

Above script will move all the files from "Backups" folder to "ArchivedLogs" which are older than 30 days, now you can delete old logs from Archive folder which are 90 days old, by running the below cmdlet.

Get-ChildItem -Path $archivePath\*.log -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-90) } | Remove-Item -WhatIf

Confirm the targets, then execute without "-WhatIf".


Remove-Item cmdlet is designed to delete one or more items, primarily files and directories. However, its functionality extends beyond just files and folders, including the deletion of registry keys and variables. One of the most critical aspects of Remove-Item is safety. Deleting files and directories can have irreversible consequences if not handled carefully. Remove-Item provides mechanisms to ensure that such operations are performed safely using -WhatIf and -Confirm parameters. Remove-Item can be incorporated into scripts for automating routine cleanup tasks or managing file systems more efficiently, it can be used to remove temporary files periodically or to clean up log files that are no longer needed. The ability to use wildcards and filters makes it especially useful in scenarios where you need to delete files or folders based on specific patterns or conditions.


How to delete a folder without deleting its contents?

Deleting the folder will delete its content too. The only way is to first move the contents to another folder and then delete the folder you want.

How to delete files from the Recycle Bin using PowerShell?

To delete files from the Recycle Bin using PowerShell, you can use the Clear-RecycleBin cmdlet. This cmdlet empties the Recycle Bin for specified drives or for all drives. Below cmdlet empties the Recycle Bin for all drives without prompting for confirmation.

Clear-RecycleBin -Confirm:$false

How to handle deletion of files in use or locked by the system?

Handling the deletion of files that are in use or locked by the system can be challenging, as these files are typically protected from being modified or deleted while they are in use. If you know which application is using the file, you can close that application or the process using the Stop-Process cmdlet. If the file cannot be deleted immediately, you can create a scheduled task that runs a script to delete the file on the next system restart. As a last resort, you can always restart your computer. Most files that are locked will be released after a reboot, allowing you to delete them afterward.

Kevin Horvatin is a Lead Software Architect at Netwrix and responsible for Netwrix Privilege Secure. A software developer for over 20 years, he has worked with PowerShell and C# since they were introduced.